Customizing the Display of Resource Links

You can create consistency in the appearance of origins and resource links by customizing the display of resource links.

You can customize the display of resource links in the tables and panels.

Links can be grouped and sorted within the panel.

The hyperlink can be text or an image.

You can format the text elements

Customizing Resource Links in Panels at the WebPAC Origin

To customize the resource links in the WebPAC resource panel (wp_panel.html), edit the wp_resource.html form. This form is customized in the same way as a Encore/WebPAC customizable form. For more information about customizing forms, see Customizable Web Forms.

The wp_resource.html form uses the following tokens:

Token Description
<!--{linkdisplay}--> When the server displays the resource panel, the <!--{linkdisplay}--> token is replaced by the resource link (without holdings—see the <!--{coveragedate}--> token regarding holdings).
<!--{ifhaserm}--> Content within this block displays if your library has acquired Electronic Resource Management. This token is used to control the display of fieldspec tokens. See Editing Resource Panels to Display Record Fields for more information.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifhaserm}--> block.
<!--{ifhaslicense}--> Content within this block displays if the resource has an attached license record. This token is used to control the display of fieldspec tokens. See Editing Resource Panels to Display Record Fields for more information.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifhaslicense}--> block.
<!--{ifcoveragedate}--> If the <!--{coveragedate}--> token returns no data, this token suppresses the display of the holdings. See Customizing Holdings in Pathfinder Pro Resource Links for more information.
<!--{coveragedate}--> The <!--{coveragedate}--> token is replaced by the resource's start and end date in the coverage database. See Customizing Holdings in Pathfinder Pro Resource Links for more information.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifcoveragedate}--> block.
<!--{iffieldspec:[fieldspec]:[subfields]}--> If the <!--{fieldspec:[fieldspec]:[subfields]}--> token returns no data, this token suppresses the display of the field values and formatting. See Editing Resource Panels to Display Record Fields for more information.
<!--{fieldspec:[fieldspec]:[subfields]}--> The <!--{fieldspec:[fieldspec]:[subfields]}--> token is replaced by the fields from the resource and license records specified in the token. See Editing Resource Panels to Display Record Fields for more information.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iffieldspec:[fieldspec]:[subfields]}--> block.

An example of a customized wp_resource.html form is:

<!-- Rel 2007 "Skyline" Example Set -->
<!-- This File Last Changed: 15 February 2008 -->

<div class="linkdisplay">

<div class="fieldinsert">

<div class="fieldinsert">

<div class="coverage">


<div class="resourceinfo">
Terms of Use:
<span class="license">

