Importing and Exporting Files

Sierra offers several methods to transfer files and records. See the sections below for more information.

Transferring Files Using FTS

If your library has acquired File Transfer Software (FTS), you can use FTS to transfer files between your Innovative system and a remote machine for which you have a valid username and password. For more information, see Transferring Files Using FTS.

Data Exchange

Data Exchange enables you to import and export MARC records. When you import records, you can load files from a local PC or from a remote location using FTS and then convert them to the Innovative record format. When you export records, you can create a review file of records and send them to a local PC or remote location. For more information, see Using Data Exchange.

Exporting an Individual MARC Record

While you can export files containing multiple MARC records in Data Exchange, you also can import an individual MARC record while viewing or editing the record. For more information, see Exporting an Individual MARC Record.

Importing Invoices (Acquisitions)

Import Invoices enables you to import vendor invoices and load the associated MARC records. For more information, see Electronic Invoice and Approval Processing.

Output Vouchers (Acquisitions)

If your library has acquired Output Vouchers (Output Accounting Information) and File Transfer Software, you can transfer the voucher file via FTS to your accounting office or other agency, as required.