Electronic Invoice and Approval Processing

To access the Import Invoices function, you must be assigned permission 84 (Process Electronic Invoices). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.


Electronic invoice processing requires File Transfer Software.

Innovative offers different products for processing different types of invoice files, including:

You can access all these products from the Import Invoices function.

Extended Approval Plan Interface

If your organization has acquired Extended Approval Plan Interface, you can process invoice files received from vendors in MARC format. You can process invoices for:


Processing firm orders for monographs requires a firm order MARC record load table. Your organization also can purchase vendor-specific load tables and load tables that include item data. Contact Innovative to purchase load tables.

In the absence of a firm order MARC record load table, all incoming shipments are treated as records awaiting approval.

EDIFACT Invoicing

If your organization has acquired EDIFACT Invoicing, you can process EDIFACT invoices received from vendors. EDIFACT Invoicing allows you to process invoices for monographic firm orders only.

Electronic Serials Invoicing

If your organization has acquired Electronic Serials Invoicing, you can process serials vendors' invoices that are accessible either on your network or by FTP. You can process invoices for serials only.