Outputting Vouchers

To output vouchers electronically, you must be assigned permission 407 (Output Vouchers). To print vouchers, you must be assigned permission 408 (Print Vouchers). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired the Output Accounting Information product, you can print vouchers or create electronic voucher files. When you send this information to your accounting office or other agency as required, they can use it to issue payments to your library's vendors and charge its accounts.

For information about configuring the output, see Outputting Vouchers Configuration Options.

For information about the format of the electronic output file, see Data Output for Each Voucher Transaction.

Important Considerations When Outputting Vouchers

Because the payment history file is cleared when you print Fund Activity reports, you should print or output the vouchers before you print Fund Activity reports. If you clear the payment history file before outputting the vouchers, you will lose the information needed for the vouchers.

You can output vouchers more frequently than you print the Fund Activity reports. If you do, consult the last posting register and find out the last voucher that was printed from the payment history file to determine where you should start outputting vouchers. Be careful to avoid resending vouchers that have already been sent to the accounting office; resending vouchers might result in duplicate payments.