Displaying Resource Records in the WebPAC

Resource records can be displayed in public and staff views in the WebPAC. You can suppress resource records or resource record fields from display.

To display resource record fields in the WebPAC, do the following:

  1. Verify that the resource_display.html, briefcit_resource.html, and srchhelp_erm.html files from the Innovative example set are in your Web server's /live/screens directory.
    Additional Names of the "srchhelp_erm.html" File

    The search help files for ERM exist in the WebPAC example set on CSDirect as srchhelp_y_erm.html and srchhelp_y_erm_no_subject.html (both or either are sometimes referred to as "srchhelp_erm.html" files).

    The srchhelp_y_erm.html and srchhelp_y_erm_no_subject.html files must be re-named before use to remove characters after the index tag. Therefore, in your Web server's /live/screens directory the files are called srchhelp_<resource name index tag>.html and srchhelp_<resource subject index tag>.html.

  2. To display resource fields in the WebPAC, you must include them in the Record Display Definition file (also known as the webpub.def file).

    You can give resource fields custom labels in the Record Display Definition file.

    To suppress a resource field, you must list it in the Record Display Definition file but leave its label blank.
  3. Set the Electronic Resource Management Options (also known as ERM Web options).
  4. If you customize style sheets, modify the resource display stylesheet classes.
  5. To display license record fields, see Displaying License Fields in the WebPAC Full Record Display. Note that you must set the License record status field and active value OPAC system option and, if you edit style sheets, adjust the style sheet classes for displaying license fields.
  6. Test the display by searching for a title that has a resource record associated with the bibliographic record.

    The search result displays. For example, searching the WebPAC by title for "Emily Dickinson Journal" could result in a display of bibliographic and resource information similar to this one:

    WebPAC Display of Bib with Resource Fields

    In the above example, elements of the display controlled by Electronic Resource Management Options are labelled. The ERM Web options were set as follows:
    ERM Web OptionSetting
    TABLEPARAM_BIB_RESOURCEborder="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"
    TABLEPARAM_BIB_RESOURCE_BRIEFborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"

    For more information on setting ERM Web options, see Understanding Web Option Settings.

    This setting controls the display of a link based on the content of the 856 |z field. To understand how the 856 |z field is populated, see Displaying the 856 |z Field as a Hyperlink in the WebPAC Full Record Display.

See also:
Displaying License Fields in the WebPAC Full Record Display
Searching for Resources in the WebPAC
Search Help Pages
Displaying 856 |z Fields as Hyperlinks in the WebPAC Full Record Display
Customizing the Resource Record Display
Resource Record Display Form
Brief Citation Resource Record Form
Resource Display Classes
Modifying Record Display in the WebPAC

Suppressing Resource Records from Display in the WebPAC

To suppress the display of a resource record in the WebPAC, suppress both the holdings record and the resource record. If a resource record is suppressed, the attached license record also is suppressed.

Bib Appears to Have No Attached Holdings

When a resource record is suppressed, linked holdings records are not able to display resource information. The bibliographic record will appear to have no attached holdings.

To suppress the display of a resource field, list it in the Record Display Definition file but leave its label blank.

Understanding ERM Web Option Settings

In the examples below, the ERM Web options have been specially set to make obvious the placement and behavior of affected elements. The ERM options in many cases are set to display their own name, purpose, or value so that you can locate them on the screen. These are not the recommended settings. For default settings and recommendations, see Electronic Resource Management Options.

In this example, ERM Web options affecting the display of resource fields in the WebPAC's bibliographic record screen are specially set and labelled:

WebPAC Display of Bib with Resource Fields

In this example, ERM Web options affecting the full holdings display in the WebPAC (accessed through the ICON_BIB_RESOURCE_DETAILS link of the bibliographic display) are specially set and labelled:

WebPAC Display of Full Holdings

In this example, ERM Web options affecting the resource record display in the WebPAC (accessed through the ICON_RESOURCE_RECORD link of the bibliographic or full holdings display) are specially set and labelled:

WebPAC Display of Resource Record

Additional Examples of ERM Web Options Settings

In these additional examples, each ERM Web option is specially set to help you locate it on the screen and understand what it controls. Look for the Web option names, the colors specified in the settings, and the location of table cell borders.

For the examples below:

The names and settings of ERM Web options used in the examples below are:

ERM Web Option Setting
BIB_RESOURCE_CAPTION <strong>BIB_RESOURCE_CAPTION_Title available via:</strong>
TABLEPARAM_BIB_LICENSE width="100%" border="4" bordercolor=red cellpadding="2"
TABLEPARAM_BIB_RESOURCE border="4" bordercolor=green cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
TABLEPARAM_BIB_RESOURCE_BRIEF border="4" bordercolor=yellow cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"
TABLEPARAM_RESOURCE_BIB width="100%" border="4" bordercolor=blue cellpadding="2"
TABLEPARAM_RESOURCE_LICENSE width="100%" border="2" bordercolor=purple cellpadding="2"
TABLEPARAM_RESOURCE_RESOURCE width="100%" border="2" bordercolor=orange cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"

This bibliographic record display is the result of a title search when the ERM Web options are set as described above:

WebPAC Display of Bib with Resource Fields

Clicking on the ICON_BIB_RESOURCE_DETAILS link in the screen above displays the full holdings:

WebPAC Display of Full Holdings

Clicking on the ICON_RESOURCE_RECORD link in the screen above displays the resource record:

WebPAC Display of Resource Record

Clicking on the ICON_VIEW_ADDITIONAL_ITEMS link in the screen above displays a screen of links to additional items:

WebPAC Display of Additional Items

If the number of links exceeds the value of the BROWSE50 Web option, WebPAC returns in a paginated display.

Public and Staff Views

When your patrons perform a resource search on the Web, they can view the public information on a resource record. When a bibliographic record displays in the WebPAC patron view, the WebPAC can display associated information from the resource and license record(s). You can view examples of public WebPAC displays of bibliographic records with resource fields and resource records below.

You can access staff views of the resource, license, and vendor records associated with ERM in the WebPAC staff view. By using the Public View button in staff view, you can toggle between staff and public views. Here is an example of a staff view of a resource record:

Staff WebPAC Display of Resource Record