Enabling Your Patrons to Cancel INN-Reach Holds

You can enable your patrons to cancel their INN-Reach requests as follows:

If the patron cancelling the hold is the first in the hold queue for the item, the patron can only cancel the hold if the virtual item record has a STATUSof '&' (REQUESTED) or '_' (RE-REQUESTED). These status values indicate that the owning site has not yet processed and sent the item to the patron site. For example, if the patron attempts to cancel an INN-Reach hold on an item with a STATUS other than "REQUESTED" or "RE-REQUESTED", the system displays * CANNOT CANCL in the Due Date column of the Patron Record Display. Subsequent patrons in the hold queue can cancel their requests regardless of the virtual item's status.

When a patron cancels a request, the system performs the same actions it does when staff at the patron site cancel the request.