Maintaining Locations and Agencies (INN-Reach Agency Model)

For Local Servers that use the INN-Reach Agency model, location codes in checkin, item, and order records are used to assign agencies in the INN-Reach Central Server. When location codes are added or deleted at a Local Server, additional actions are required to mirror these changes on the INN-Reach Catalog. Once a location code is assigned to an agency, additional steps must be performed if a location code change in a record causes a change of agency.

The Central System Administrator can perform the following tasks to maintain the location codes and agency codes for Local Servers that use the INN-Reach Agency model:

If you accidentally change a location code in an item or patron record such that the record will map to a different agency code and the record currently has associated INN-Reach requests or is in circulation, contact Innovative immediately.

Creating a Location Code

To create a location code, use the Branches Table option. However, you should not add the location code to any records until it assigned to an agency code (see Adding a Location Code to an Existing Agency Code and Creating an Agency Code).

Adding a Location Code to an Existing Agency Code

Contact Innovative to add the location to the INN-Reach Agency Mapping File. You can view the read-only INN-Reach Agency Mapping Table to see existing locations and the agencies to which they belong.

To add a location code to an existing agency code, provide Innovative with information on the location and the agency to which it should belong. In response, an Innovative staff member will map the location to the agency. She will notify you when she is finished. After she is finished, you can add the location code to records.

Mapping a Location Code to a Different Agency Code

To change the agency code to which a location code is mapped, perform the following steps:

  1. On the INN-Reach Central Server, modify the Loan Rule Determiner table (a.k.a. Rule Selection table) so that the agency's site code is given a non-circulating Loan Rule. Note that you should add new entries to the bottom of the table.
  2. Determine to which records the location code is assigned.
  3. Verify that none of these records is the subject of an INN-Reach hold or is currently being circulated.
  4. Notify Innovative that the location code is ready to be mapped to a different agency code. An Innovative staff member will remap the location code. She will notify you when she is finished.
  5. Recontribute the records to the INN-Reach server.
  6. Notify Innovative that you have begun recontributing the records. An Innovative staff member will notify you when all the records are recontributed. Do not continue this procedure until you receive this notification.
  7. On the INN-Reach Central Server, edit the Loan Rule Determiner table so that the agency's site code is assigned to its original Loan Rule.

Deleting a Location Code

Contact Innovative to remove the location from the INN-Reach Agency Mapping File.

To delete a location code, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that none of the records with that location code is the subject of INN-Reach holds or is currently being circulated.
  2. Perform the steps described in Deleting Location Codes.
  3. Notify Innovative that the location code has been deleted. An Innovative staff member will determine if the location code was mapped to an agency. If so, she will reconfigure the site so that the location code is no longer mapped to the agency. She will notify you when she is finished.

Creating an Agency Code

When a new agency is created, it must be added to the entire INN-Reach System (that is, all the Local Servers and the INN-Reach Central Server). The agency must be a given a unique code. To create an agency code, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the following characteristics about the agency you want to create.
    • The Local Server to which the agency will belong
    • The name of the agency (up to 30 characters)
    • Agency code (five characters)
    • The location code(s) that will belong to the agency
  2. You must determine how many pickup location(s), if any, the agency will have. For each desired pickup location, you must determine:
    Display Name
    The name for the pickup location that displays in the INN-Reach Catalog when a patron is asked to select a pickup location from all of the pickup locations defined for the agency. This name can be up to 30 characters in length.
    Print Name
    The name to print on INN-Reach Circulation paging slips as the "PICKUP AT" location. This name can be up to 20 characters in length.
    Delivery Stop
    The name of the Delivery Stop for your courier service pickup location. The system prints this name on INN-Reach Circulation paging slips below the name of the borrowing site. This name can be up to 32 characters in length.
    Location Code
    On the Local Server, the location code associated with the branch name that you want to display as the pickup location. This location code may correspond to an existing location, or you may add a new code. For example, you might want to create a location code with a detailed branch name (for example, "Main Lib Circ Desk") so that patrons know where in the library they can pick up INN-Reach items. The system displays this code when patrons view their own circulation records.
  3. At each Local Server in the INN-Reach System, add the agency's site code to the Branch (location) table (see Branches table).
  4. If new location codes will belong to the agency, create those location code(s).
  5. Notify Innovative about the agency code and any location code(s) you created. An Innovative staff member will ask you to specify the characteristics you decided upon in steps 1 and 2. She will then reconfigure the system to recognize the agency and its location code(s). She will notify you when she is finished.
  6. You can now add the location code(s) to records.
  7. If you want to assign an existing location code to the agency, determine whether that location code is already assigned to an agency and then perform one of the following procedures:
    Location Code is Not Assigned to an Agency
    Perform the Adding a Location Code to an Existing Agency Code procedure.
    Location Code is Assigned to an Agency
    Perform the Mapping a Location Code to a Different Agency Code procedure.

Deleting an Agency Code

To delete an agency code, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine which location code(s) map to the agency code.
  2. If you want to delete those location code(s), perform the delete the location code(s) procedure. If you want to map those location code(s) to another agency, perform the Mapping a Location Code to a Different Agency Code procedure.
  3. Notify Innovative that the agency is ready to be deleted. An Innovative staff member will reconfigure the system. She will notify you when she is finished.
See also:
Branches Table
INN-Reach Models