Send a group of records to INN-Reach Central Server

To manually send records to the INN-Reach Catalog, you must be assigned permission 38 (Send group of records to Central). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Your Local Server automatically transmits records to the INN-Reach Catalog whenever you add or edit records at your site. However, under special circumstances, you might need to send records manually to the INN-Reach Catalog.

When you send bibliographic records to the INN-Reach Catalog, your Local Server automatically sends all attached item, order, and checkin records.

To send a group of records from your Local Server:

  1. Choose the following option in Admin Corner:

    SEND a group of records to <INN-Reach Central Server>
  2. Specify which records to send:

Specifying a Range of Records

To specify a range of records to be sent to the INN-Reach Catalog:

  1. Choose R > To enter a RANGE of Record Numbers. The system prompts:

    Enter starting record # : .b

  2. Specify the record type you want to use. By default, the system prompts you to enter a bibliographic record number:
    • To specify the bibliographic record type, retain the default prompt value, and continue to the next step in this process.
    • To specify any other type of bibliographic records, enter the record type prefix (for example, enter 'i' for item records).
  3. Enter the first record number in the range. If you want to use the first record of this type in your system, continue to the next step without entering a number.
  4. Press <Enter>. The system prompts you to enter the last record number in the range:

    Enter ending record # : .b_______

  5. Enter the number of the last record in the range. If you want to use the last record of this type in your system, continue to the next step without entering a number.
  6. Press <Enter>. The system prompts you to verify that you entered the correct range:

    Is the range correct? (y/n)

  7. Continue as appropriate:
    • Enter n to re-enter the range before continuing.
    • Enter y to continue. The system prompts:

      Send these records to Central? (y/n)
  8. Enter y to send the records to the INN-Reach Catalog. The system displays the number of records it successfully sends to the INN-Reach Catalog. For example:

    10 records have been queued to Central
    Press <SPACE> to continue

    You can send a maximum of 10,000 records. If you enter a range that exceeds this limit, the system sends the first 10,000 records you specified.

  9. Press <SPACE>. The system displays the following message:

    Record Transfer completed

  10. Press <SPACE> to return to the INN-Reach Local Functions screen.

Specify a Boolean Review File

To specify records to be sent to the INN-Reach Catalog based on their inclusion in a review file:

  1. Choose B > To use a BOOLEAN review file. The system displays a list of existing review files in your system. (For information on creating review files, see Creating Lists (Review Files).) For example:
          NAME                             CUR RECS   MAX RECS
    01 >  Russian monographs/jp 6-5              17      60000
    02 >  Items on search                        50      10000
    03 >  Call # AA - GZ/sb 6-19               8765      10000
    04 >  Patrons with ODUES/fj 5-29           1346      10000
    05 >  Purchase ALERTS                        28      10000
    06 >  Call #'s with vol                     675      50000
    Q > QUIT
    Choose one (01-6,Q)
  2. Enter the number of the review file you want to send. The system prompts you to confirm your selection. For example:

    Send review file "Russian monographs/jp 6-5" to Central? (y/n)

  3. Enter y. The system displays the number of records it successfully sends to the INN-Reach Central Server. For example:

    17 records have been queued to Central
    Press <SPACE> to continue

    You can send a maximum of 10,000 records. If you select a review file that contains more than 10,000 records, the system sends the first 10,000 records listed in the file.

  4. Press <SPACE>. The system displays the following message:

    Record Transfer completed

  5. Press <SPACE> to return to the INN-Reach Local Functions screen.