Notifying ILL Suppliers

If you chose to acquire an ILL item via e-mail or letter, it can be necessary to contact the institutions to which you sent acquisition requests.

Chasing ARTEmail Requests

If you chose to acquire an ILL item via ARTEmail, you can contact the supplying institutions by chasing ARTEmail requests.

To send a message to a supplier:

  1. Choose Pending Requests or Process Returns from the Function list.
  2. Select the request. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
  3. Choose Options | Notify Supplier. ILL prompts you to compose a message.
  4. Specify a message using one of the following methods:
    • Enter the message in the text box.
    • If your library has set up predefined text for ILL messages, you can select a message from the Select ILL message drop-down list. ILL displays the selected message in the text box, where you can edit it if necessary.
    Format of ILL Messages

    ILL automatically formats ILL messages with information about your library, the supplier, and the request. See ILL E-mail Messages for more information.

  5. Preview the whole message, including patron and request information. To do so, choose the Preview button. While previewing the message, you can:
    • Return to editing the message by choosing Preview. Note that you cannot edit and preview a message at the same time.
    • Print a copy of the message by choosing Print.
  6. Choose Finish. ILL prompts you to select a follow-up date (that is, the date on which your library should contact the supploier if the requested item has not arrived).
  7. Choose a follow-up date.
  8. Choose Finish. ILL prints or sends the message and displays a confirmation dialog.
  9. Choose Close to close the dialog.
See also:
Possible Messages (Notifying Suppliers)