Viewing a Patron's History of Fines Paid

To view the Fines tab, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in checkout). To view the Fines Paid window, you must be assigned permission 56 (Examine fines paid file). To view the details for a fine in the Fines Paid window, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records) and 121 (View item records).

To view fines that have been removed from a specific patron's record:

  1. Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron's record.
  3. Choose the Fines tab, or, alternately, choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Fines.
  4. Within the Fines tab, choose Fines Paid. The Fines Paid dialog displays.
  5. To view the details of a particular fine, select the entry for the fine, then choose one of the following options:
    • If the fine is associated with an item record (that is, the fine is not a manual charge), you can view the item record. To do so, choose the View Item button or, from the right mouse popup menu, the View This Item option. The system displays the item record.
    • You can view detailed information about the selected fine by choosing the View Fine button or, from the right mouse popup menu, the View This Fine option. The system displays the Paid Fine Detail dialog.
  6. Continue as appropriate:

    Choose:If you want to:
    Reinstate FineReinstate the fine.
    PrintPrint information about the paid fine.
    CloseFinish viewing the paid fine.
See also:
Viewing All Fines Paid
Fining and Penalizing Patrons
Fines Display