Paid Fine Detail Display

The Paid Fine detail dialog can be accessed via the patron record or the Fines Paid function.

This dialog contains the following elements:

Header elements
Detail pane elements
Balance pane elements

Header Elements

Payments Made By <patron>
The PATRN NAME field from the patron record. To suppress the patron's name from the paid fine display, contact Innovative.

Detail Pane Elements

The fine's invoice number.
Charge Type
The fine's charge type.
Call Number
The CALL # field from the fined item record, or if not present, from the bibliographic record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
The AUTHOR field from the bibliographic record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
The BARCODE field from the fined item record. This element does not display for charges with type Manual.
Title or Description
The fine's description.
Charge Location
The fine's location.
Statistics Group
The statistics group number associated with the payment
Checkout Date
The date the item was checked out to the fined patron.
Due Date
The date the item was checked in from the fined patron.
Date Fine Assessed
The fine's assessed date.
Paid Date
The fine's paid date.
Payment Status
The fine's payment status.
Payment Type
The fine's payment type, if applicable.
Payment Note
The payment note entered when collecting the fine.
The login associated with the payment.

Balance Pane Elements

Item Charge
The item charge portion of the fine.
Processing Fee
The processing fee portion of the fine.
Billing Fee
The billing fee portion of the fine.
The sum of the item charge, processing fee, and billing fee.
Previous Paid Amount
The portion of the fine that has been paid previously, if a partial payment has been made.
Amount Paid Now
The amount paid against the fine.
Amount Due
The amount of the fine that remains to be paid.