Fines Paid Dialog Display

When you view a patron's history of fines paid, the system displays the Fines Paid dialog. This dialog contains the following elements:

Summary table

Header Elements

Payments Made By <patron> (Total Paid $0.00)
The PATRN NAME field from the patron record. To suppress the patron's name from the paid fine display, contact Innovative.

Summary Table Elements

Multiple Entries for an Individual Fine

The summary table can contain multiple entries for an individual fine, because each entry represents an action taken in relation to the individual fine, and staff can perform a number of actions on any given fine. For example, if you collect partial payment of a fine, and waive the remainder of the fine, this table contains two entries, one for the partial payment and one for the waive.

This table has the following columns:

An ID number between 1 and 999999 generated by the system when adding the fine to the patron's record.
Charge Type
The type of fine assessed. For a list of possible values, see the description of this element in the Fines Display.
The TITLE field from the fined item's bibliographic record, or for charges with type Manual, the reason the fine was assessed.
Amount Due
The fine amount at the time the entry was added to the history. Note that if the entry represents a partial payment, this fine amount corresponds to the remaining balance of the fine, not the original full fine amount.
Amount Paid
The amount paid by the patron during the selected payment. This element specifies a zero amount for entries with payment status "Adjustment" or "Waive".
Date Paid
The date on which the entry was added to the patron's fines paid history. For payments, this date represents the date on which library staff collected payment from the patron. For waives or adjustments, this date represents the date on which library staff waived or adjusted the charge.