Managing In-transit Items

Innovative offers two features that help libraries manage in-transit items.

You can eliminate the need to check in in-transit items at their owning location by enabling Automated Clearing of In-Transit Status. When this feature is enabled, most in-transit items automatically have their STATUS updated to '-' (AVAILABLE) after a library-specified period of time and do not need to be checked in before being reshelved. For more information, see Automatically Clearing In-transit Status.

You can identify items that may been misplaced while in transit with the Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long feature. Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long updates the status of these items and, if an item is in transit to fill a title- or volume-level hold, moves the hold back to the bib or volume level so that another item can fill the hold. For more information, see Updating Items in Transit Too Long.

See also:
Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location
Creating In-Transit Too Long Reports (INN-Reach)