Updating Items in Transit Too Long

You can set up the Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long feature to identify items that have been in transit for a period of time that your library considers too long. The system identifies affected items, updates their status, and if the item is in transit to fill a title- or volume-level hold, moves the hold back to the bib or volume level so that another item can fill the hold.

Setting Up Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long

To enable Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long, contact Innovative. You must specify:

Automated Clearing of In-transit Status Is Incompatible

Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long is incompatible with Automated Clearing of In-transit Status. Contact Innovative to verify that Automated Clearing of In-transit Status is disabled before enabling Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long.

How Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long Works

Once per day, the system checks each in-transit item and identifies any that have had a STATUS of 't' (IN TRANSIT) for longer than the number of days specified by your library.

Days Closed and Hours Open Tables

The system does not consult the Days Closed or Hours Open tables when calculating how long an item has been in transit.

If an item is found to be in transit too long, the system does the following:

Some Items Are Not Updated

Automated Update of Items in Transit Too Long does not update items checked in before it was enabled or items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan or INN-Reach.

If an item marked as in transit too long is later found and checked in, the system prompts you to clear the item's status (see Checking In an Item whose STATUS is Not '-') and fills any holds on the item, title, or volume, but does not remove the transit message from the item record. You must delete the transit message manually.