Creating Commands for Changing Records

Commands specify the updates, such as edits or deletions, to make in records. When you create a list of commands on the Command input tab, the system applies the entire list to the selected records after you choose Process in the Preview tab.

To create a list of change commands:

  1. Choose the Command input tab. The Choose Command Type dialog box appears.
Retrieving the Choose Command Type Dialog Box

The Choose Command Type dialog box appears automatically unless you have already created commands during the current Global Update session. If the Choose Command Type dialog box does not appear, choose the Add button at the top of the Command input tab to retrieve it.

  1. (Optional) In the Choose Command Type dialog box, choose Cancel to cancel creation of new command changes. You can load saved change commands instead of creating new ones. After you have loaded saved changes, continue creating change commands.
  2. In the Choose Command Type dialog box, select the appropriate option and click OK. The options include:
Change Special Field Option

The Change special field option appears in the Choose Command Type dialog box only if the record types checked in the Select records tab include bibs, authorities, or checkins.

  1. In the dialog box that opens, enter data according to the change you want to make, and then choose OK. The dialog box closes and the command you created appears as a row in the Command input tab.
  2. (Optional) Continue creating change commands by choosing the Add button at the top of the Command input tab. Edit an existing command by selecting its row and choosing Edit.

You can use an existing command as a template for other commands by selecting its row and choosing Duplicate, and then editing the new command.

How Global Update Processes Multiple Change Commands

Global Update processes change commands in the order in which they appear in the Command input tab. The system compares the first selected record against the first change command in the list, then against the second command, and so on. After applying all commands to the first record, Global Update processes the second selected record, again using each of the commands. This process continues for each subsequent record as appropriate. Consequently, it is important to place the most specific change command first in the list and finish with the most general change command.

  1. (Optional) Delete a change command by selecting its row and choosing Delete. Delete all change commands by choosing Clear.
  2. (Optional) Save your change commands.
  3. When you finish creating change commands, choose the Preview tab. The Preview tab enables you to preview the changes your commands will make to each selected record, and then process those changes.

Creating Commands Shortcut

A shortcut enables you to quickly create commands to change complicated or long fields without typing the whole field.

To create a change command using the shortcut:

  1. Select a record from the browse list of the Select records tab.
  2. Right-click the record.
  3. To create a command that edits the record and others matching the same pattern:
    1. Choose Change from the menu.
    2. In the Change dialog box, enter the edits.
    3. Choose OK.
  4. To create a command that deletes the record and others matching the same pattern:
    1. Choose Delete.
    2. Choose OK.

The commands appear on the Command input tab. When you choose Process in the Preview tab, these commands affect all selected records that contain the described patterns.