Saving Change Commands in Global Update

After creating commands in the Command input tab, you can save them to the server or to your local computer.

Saving Individual Change Commands

If you have created multiple change commands (that is, there are multiple rows in the Command input tab), all of the commands are saved together in one file. To save an individual command, you must save the command before creating others.

See Loading Saved Change Commands for information on using the saved commands at a later time.

Saving Change Commands to Your Local Computer

To save change commands to your local computer:

  1. Select File | Save (Local).
  2. In the Save dialog box, navigate to the drive and folder where you want to save the file of change commands.
  3. Enter the name of the file in the File Name data field, and click Save.

Saving Change Commands to the Server

Sierra 6.0 and earlier: If you have already saved the change commands to the server and you select File | Save (Server), the system automatically overwrites your previous file without warning you. To save the commands as a new file instead, select File | Save (As) Server, and save the file under a new name.

The steps to save change commands differ if you have previously saved them to the server.

To save new change commands to the server:

  1. Select File | Save (Server). Sierra displays the Save (As) dialog.
  2. Enter the file name in the box at the bottom of the dialog, and click OK. The system displays a confirmation message.
  3. Click OK to clear the confirmation message.

To save updated change commands to the server:

  1. Select File | Save (Server). Sierra uses the existing file name and asks you if you want to save your changes. If you proceed, your existing commands saved under that file name are overwritten.
  2. To save the file, click OK. Sierra displays a confirmation message.
  3. Click OK to clear the confirmation message.

Saving Change Commands Under a New Name on the Server

To save change commands under a new name on the server:

  1. Select File | Save As (Server). The Save (As) dialog appears.
  2. Enter the file name in the box at the bottom of the dialog, and click OK. Sierra displays a confirmation message that the file has been saved.
  3. Click OK to clear the confirmation message.