Loading Saved Change Commands in Global Update

After creating and saving change commands in the Command input tab, you can load them for use at any time.

Loading Saved Change Commands from Your Local Computer

To load saved change commands from your local computer:

  1. Choose Global Update from the Function list.
  2. Choose the Command input tab. If the Choose Command Type dialog box appears, choose the Cancel button to close it.
  3. Choose File | Load (Local).
  4. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the drive and folder containing the file of saved commands.
  5. Select the file and choose Open.

Loading Saved Change Commands from the Server

To load saved change commands from the server:

  1. Choose Global Update from the Function list.
  2. Choose the Command input tab. If the Choose Command Type dialog box appears, choose the Cancel button to close it.
  3. Choose File | Load (Server).
  4. In the Load Macro dialog box, scroll to the file of saved commands.
  5. Select the file and choose OK.
Deleting or Renaming the Macro (Saved Change Command) on a Server

There is no "delete macro" command. You can edit and re-save a saved change command, but you cannot rename or delete one. Contact Innovative to remove invalid or unwanted entries.