Previewing the Records to be Updated

After you select records and create commands in the Command input tab, change to the Preview tab. In this tab, you preview the changes to each selected record and choose whether to apply those changes.

  1. Change to the Preview tab.

Record numbers appear in the Record column. The Data column previews changes. The message No Changes Detected appears for records unaffected by the change commands.

By default, the Preview tab shows how the commands affect all records. Select an option from the View drop-down list to view only records with changes or only records with no changes.

  1. Verify that the changes in the Data column are correct.

Global Update selects all records in the list by default, that is, highlights each line and selects each check box. Changes apply to all selected records. Clear (uncheck) a record's check box to prevent the system from applying the changes to that record.

  1. Choose Process. Cataloging prompts you to verify that you want to make the specified changes. Choose OK to apply the changes, or choose Cancel to return to the Preview tab without making any changes.
The Process Button

Global Update makes no changes to the records in your database until you choose Process, and then choose OK to verify your decision. Before choosing Process, you can change from tab to tab within Global Update and repeat the following actions as many times as needed:

  • refine the list of records eligible for update by performing a new search in the Select records tab.
  • create, edit, or delete command changes in the Command input tab.
  • select or deselect the records in the Preview tab to update.

There is no "undo" function in Global Update. If you process changes, and then decide you do not want to alter the records, you must search for the changed records, create new change commands to return the data to its original state, and then process the new changes.

After applying the specified changes to the selected records, Global Update automatically displays the next tab, Statistics. In this tab, you can view and print a brief report of the changes.