Changing Funds in Orders in Fiscal Close (Method 2)

Change Funds is the fourth step in Method 2 of Fiscal Close. This requires that you have completed at least step 1, Posting, and step 2, Printing a Fund Activity Report. If you are performing a "Method 2 | Manual" fiscal closing, you should also have printed Fund Reports in step 3, Statistics and Reports. Optionally, you may have printed other statistical reports.

This step varies depending on which type of Method 2 fiscal closing you are performing. You can confirm your method by looking at the Fiscal Year Closing Acquisitions option. The following sections describe the various types:

Automatic | Copy
Automatic | Transfer

Automatic | Copy

The display defaults to the Funds tab.

  1. Select the option to Archive "Current Funds" amounts to "Old Funds", and "Hierarchies" to "Old Hierarchies".

Archiving is optional, but if you want to do it, you must do so before continuing to the next step in the fiscal closing process (Clear Funds).

Avoid Overwriting the Archive With Cleared Funds

If you repeat this step, clear the check box for the Archive "Current Funds" amounts to "Old Funds", and "Hierarchies" to "Old Hierarchies" option. Copying and clearing funds more than once with the option selected overwrites archived fund values with cleared fund values ('0').

  1. The table at the bottom of the screen lists the funds used for the current fiscal year. In the To Fund column, enter the fund to which you want to:
    • Change the fund code in order records
    • Change encumbrances
    • Copy appropriations and expenditure

You can do this for any or all of the funds listed in the From Funds column.

  1. After you have set up the To Funds column, select Process. This archives funds/hierarchies (if selected) and processes fund data as indicated in the on-screen note. (Data will be saved and used in the final step in the fiscal closing process , Adjust Funds.)

As it processes, you will see a Processing dialog. When it completes, the Reports tab displays a summary of encumbrance changes.

After a fund has been processed, its original amounts cannot be restored. However, you can select more funds to change and Process again.

  1. With the Report tab selected, choose Print from the toolbar to print the Summary of Encumbrance Changes report.
  2. Choose Next to go on to the next step: Clear Funds.

Automatic | Transfer

Instead of copying appropriations and expenditures, the "Automatic | Transfer" type of Method 2 fiscal closing transfers cash balances of funds in the From Funds column to the funds in the To Funds column. It also resets expenditures to zero.

With this difference in mind, perform the steps as given in the Automatic | Copy section.


  1. Select the option to Archive "Current Funds" amounts to "Old Funds", and "Hierarchies" to "Old Hierarchies".

Archiving is optional, but if you want to do it, you must do so before continuing to the next step in the fiscal closing process (Clear Funds).

  1. Select the order records for which you want to change the fund codes.
    1. Use the drop-down list to choose one of the following search methods, and enter the appropriate search criteria:
    2. To limit the selected order records to those with specific statuses, choose the Limit to status button. The default is "o,c". In the Code Selector dialog box, choose one or more statuses and choose OK.
    3. To set the STATUS field of the selected order records to a specific value, select the Change status check box. Then enter the one-character code for the new status.
    4. To change the fund codes in records with the status of partially paid (a STATUS of 'q'), select the Change funds for partials check box. If you don't select this option, these records are put in a review file, and you can update each record later.
  2. The table at the bottom of the screen lists the funds used for the current fiscal year. In the To Fund column, enter the fund to which you want to:
    • Change the fund code in order records
    • Report encumbrance changes you need to make in Adjust Funds

You can do this for any or all of the funds listed in the From Funds column.

  1. After you have set up the To Funds column, select Process. This will archive funds/hierarchies (if selected) and change fund codes for the records you selected.

As it processes, the system displays a Processing dialog. When it completes, the Reports tab displays a summary of encumbrance changes.

After a fund has been processed, its original amounts cannot be restored. However, you can select more funds to change and Process again.

  1. With the Report tab selected, choose Print from the toolbar to print the Summary of Encumbrance Changes report. You will use this information in the last step of the fiscal closing process, the Adjust Funds step.
  2. Choose Next to go on to the next step: Clear Funds.
See also:
Fiscal Closing