Searching for Records Within an Existing Review File

This procedure describes searching for records that are within an existing review file. If you want to search the entire database to create or add to a review file, see Working with Review Files.

This feature enables you to browse through a list of records in the review file.


When you choose to search within a review file, the file is copied and the search is done within the copy. It is possible for another user to update the review file (by adding or deleting records, by sorting the records in the file) or to modify the records (by using an update program, such as Rapid Update) while you are searching within a copy of the same review file. Therefore, if you exit the review file after searching and then access it again, the file contents might be different.

To search for records within an existing review file:

  1. Choose Tools | Search | Range from the menu bar.
  2. Choose Review from the subset drop-down menu.
  3. Choose a review file from the Review File drop-down menu. The number of records and record type contained in the review file appear to the right of the review file name.
  4. Choose Start to begin your search. As the system searches the review file, it displays progress in the Current __ of __ boxes.
  5. Choose Next to display the next record in the review file. The Previous button pages backward through the matching records. Choose Finish to clear the search.
See also:
Creating Lists