Serials Options

The following serials system options can be set by authorized staff. Click on any of the linked options for more information on that option, including default values for the option.

When you choose Serials Options in Admin Corner, the following options appear:

01 > Binding slip formats..................................Choose to view
02 > Label specifications..................................Choose to view
03 > Serial checkin spine label 1..........................Choose to view
04 > Serial checkin spine label 2..........................Choose to view
05 > Serial checkin spine label 3..........................Choose to view
06 > Serial checkin pocket label 1.........................Choose to view
07 > Serial checkin pocket label 2.........................Choose to view
08 > Serial checkin pocket label 3.........................Choose to view
09 > Fields to print on Serial issue claim form............Choose to view
Key a number or
Choose one (1-9,Q)