Serial checkin pocket label 1 - 3

This option allows you to specify fields to print for each of the three serials pocket label formats. Specify the fields in the same way as for spine labels (see the discussion of Fields to print on label for spine labels); however, for pocket labels, the call number (if it is included in the list of fields to print) is always printed horizontally on one line. The period before the Cutter number always prints.

Fields to print on Serials checkin pocket label 1:

1 > Library Name
2 > Location (branch) name, spelled out
4 > Volume:issue
5 > Cover date in its short form (e.g., "Jan")

    Width of Label: 28 characters (lines wider than this will wrap)
    Height of Label: 8 lines

  Key a number or
  D > DELETE a field     I > INSERT a field     R > RETURN to previous menu
  Choose one (1-5,D,I,R)

There is one additional option not offered for serials spine labels:

Pocket label will be REPLACED by: The routing label, if the Checkin record has routing; otherwise, the title will be printed instead

Select this option to specify that a routing label should be printed instead of a pocket label for checkin records which have an attached routing list. If a given checkin record does not have a routing list, the title will be printed on the right-hand label. This option overrides any other fields which have been specified, for instance if the call number and title are specified to print and then this option is chosen, the results will be the same as if only this option were chosen.

If this option is not specified, a pocket label will be printed and, in addition, a routing label will be printed if there is a routing list attached to the checkin record.