Serial checkin spine label 1 - 3

These options allow you to specify the fields to print for each of the three serials checkin spine label formats. Click to see the discussion of this option for monographic labels).

Fields to print on label

When you choose one of the spine label formats, Sierra displays the following menu.

Fields to print on Serials checkin spine label 1:

1 > CALL # from CHECKIN record (if found), else CALL # from BIBLIOGRAPHIC
      record: Class Letters print on one line, Numbers and Decimals print on
      next line
2 > VEN. NOTE from CHECKIN record
3 > Sequential copy number, prefixed with 'copy #'

    Width of Label: 8 characters (lines wider than this will wrap)
    Height of Label: 8 lines
    NOTE: For call numbers, a new line is always started at a space or
      subfield delimiter

 Key a number or
 D > DELETE a field     I > INSERT a field     R > RETURN to previous menu
 Choose one (1-3,D,I,R)

The process for deleting and inserting fields is the same as for monographic labels. Note that the list of available fields to print is somewhat different, however:

Fields to print on Serials checkin spine label 1:


01 > Variable length field tag from the BIBLIOGRAPHIC record
02 > Variable length field tag from the CHECKIN record
03 > Variable length field tag from the CHECKIN record (if found); else
    field tag from the BIBLIOGRAPHIC record
04 > Copy number field in the CHECKIN record preceded by "c.".
05 > Location (branch) as five character code
06 > Location (branch) name spelled out
07 > The library name
08 > FIRST title field in bib record, regardless of marc tag
09 > Cover date in its long form (e.g., "January").
10 > Cover date in its short form (e.g., "Jan").
11 > Issue, prefixed with "no.".

  Key a number or
  R > RETURN to previous menu
  Choose one (1-15,F,B,R)

Serials spine label - second screen of fields to print:

Fields to print on Serials checkin spine label 1:


12 > The note within the checkin box
13 > The date received prefixed with "Received on".
14 > Volume, prefixed with "v.".
15 > Volume:issue.

  Key a number or
  R > RETURN to previous menu
  Choose one (1-15,F,B,R)

The options for serials labels which are different than those listed for monographic labels are:

Variable length field tag from the CHECKIN record

Specify a field group tag for a variable-length field from the checkin record (not item record), e.g., 'c' for call number. If the field does not exist in a particular record, Sierra skips that field and prints the next field.

Variable length field tag from the CHECKIN record (if found); else field tag from the BIBLIOGRAPHIC record

Specify a field group tag for a variable-length field from the checkin record (not item record), e.g., 'c' for call number. In this case, if the field does not exist in a particular checkin record, Sierra looks in its bibliographic record for a field with the same field group tag and prints it, if found. Otherwise, Sierra skips the field and prints the next field.


Only select this option for a field such as the call number, where the field group tag has the same meaning in both record types.

Copy number field in the CHECKIN record preceded by "c.".

Prints the copy number from the issue box on the checkin card, preceded by "copy #" (generated sequentially for each copy in the issue box).

Cover date in its long form (e.g., "January").

Prints the cover date from the issue box on the checkin card with the month spelled out.

Cover date in its short form (e.g., "Jan").

Prints the cover date from the issue box on the checkin card with the month abbreviated.

Issue, prefixed with "no.".

Prints the second level of enumeration defined for the checkin card box, preceded by the caption. For non-MARC checkin cards, prints the issue number from the issue box on the checkin card, preceded by the characters "no.".

The note within the checkin box

Prints the note from the issue box on the checkin card.

The date received prefixed with "Received on".

Prints the date received from the issue box on the checkin card, preceded by the words "Received on".

Volume, prefixed with "v.".

Prints the highest level of enumeration defined for the checkin card box, preceded by the caption. For non-MARC checkin cards, prints the volume number from the issue box on the checkin card, preceded by the characters "v.".


Prints the volume and issue number from the issue box on the checkin card in the format "volume:issue" (e.g., 7:10).

Specifying the Format for Call Numbers

Format for call numbers

The options for formatting call numbers are the same as for monographic labels, except that the call number can come from the bibliographic record or the checkin record (see the discussion beginning with Format for Call Numbers).

Printing the Period Preceding the Cutter Number

Print the period preceding the Cutter number

This option is the same as for monographic labels (see the previous discussion of Print the period preceding the Cutter number).