Binding slip formats
The library can create up to 9 binding slip formats, customizing the size and the contents of each to suit the library's needs. If more than one binding slip format exists, the library indicates which one to use for each checkin record by entering the number of the desired format followed by a backslash (e.g., 2\) at the beginning of the BIND INFO field of the checkin record.
Binding slips print in two sections:
Upper Section -- divided vertically into up to four columns; the library specifies the data to print from the fields in the record. The library can choose among several formats for the call number, volume number, and cover date. The spine label information can be duplicated in any of the columns, just as it appears on the item.
Lower Section -- no columns; contains binding instructions (the BIND INFO field from the checkin record is printed). The BIND INFO field can be printed in the upper section, if desired.
When you select the Binding slip formats option, Sierra displays the list of already existing binding slip formats, e.g.,
Binding Slip Formats 1 > Binding slip: "'V.' & year".............................Choose to view 2 > Binding slip: "'V.' <blank> & year".....................Choose to view 3 > Binding slip: "'No.' & year"............................Choose to view 4 > Binding slip: "Month$year"..............................Choose to view 5 > Binding slip: "BML".....................................Choose to view 6 > Binding slip: "V&YR in first col".......................Choose to view 7 > Binding slip: "V&year,no mid spine".....................Choose to view ___________________________________________________________________________ Key a number or A > ADD a Binding Slip Format R > RETURN to Serials options menu D > DELETE a Binding Slip Format Choose one (1-7,A,D,R)
A > ADD a Binding Slip Format
When you choose this option, Sierra creates a blank binding slip format titled "UNNAMED" and puts you in the binding slip format editor where you can specify what will print on the binding slip. See Editing Parameters below for a description of each parameter you can specify and a list of the possible values which each can have.
D > DELETE a Binding Slip Format
When you choose to delete a binding slip format, Sierra asks you to enter the line number of the binding slip format you wish to delete. You are asked to confirm the deletion before the binding slip format is permanently removed from the system.
Editing Parameters
To edit the values in a binding slip format, enter the line number of that format. When you do, Sierra displays a numbered list of the parameters available for editing:
Binding slip: "Month$year" 01 > Binding slip format name....................................Month$year 02 > Page width (columns)................................................60 03 > Page length (lines).................................................24 04 > Column 1 start.......................................................1 05 > Column 1 width......................................................20 06 > Center column 1.....................................................NO 07 > Column 1: Fields to print...............................Choose to view 08 > Column 2 start......................................................23 09 > Column 2 width......................................................23 10 > Center column 2.....................................................NO 11 > Column 2: Fields to print...............................Choose to view 12 > Column 3 start......................................................46 13 > Column 3 width......................................................15 14 > Center column 3.....................................................NO ____________________________________________________________________________ Key a number or F > FORWARD R > RETURN to Binding slip parameter menu Choose one (1-20,F,R)
- The horizontal dimension is measured in columns or characters (there are 10 per horizontal inch). The vertical dimension is measured in lines (there are 6 per vertical inch). The numbering for the horizontal and vertical dimensions starts at one (1), i.e., if your form is 80 characters wide, the numbering will go from 1 to 80.
- The term "column" is used in two senses in this document, which can cause confusion. In addition to being the unit for horizontal measurement (at 10 columns per inch), the term is also used when discussing the four vertical sections or columns into which the upper half of the binding slip can be divided (these are analogous to newspaper columns). For clarity, the latter type of column will be referred to as a "vertical column".
- If the data to be printed in a vertical column is wider than the vertical column, words will wrap to the next line.
- Binding slip format name
- Enter a name of up to 30 characters for this binding slip format
- Page width (columns)
- Enter the width of the form (the number of columns or characters wide it is at 10 per inch)
- Page length (lines)
- Enter the number of lines on the form (at 6 lines per inch)
Vertical Column Specifications
Options 4 - 19 are used to specify the size, placement, and format of each of the four possible vertical columns and which fields will print in each one.
- Column 1 start
Column 2 start
Column 3 start
Column 4 start - For each vertical column, enter the column in which it will begin (i.e., the number of columns or characters from the left edge of the paper), e.g., enter '1' in Column 1 start to start the first vertical column at the left-hand edge of the paper (typically the start column is set to one (1) for the first column, although a margin can be created by entering a larger number).
- Column 1 width
Column 2 width
Column 3 width
Column 4 width - Enter the width of each vertical column (in columns or characters), e.g., entering "28" in Column 1 width to make the first vertical column 28 characters wide. To turn a column off, enter '0', e.g., entering '0' in option Column 4 width turns off the fourth vertical column.
Sierra prevents you from specifying the starting position and width for a vertical column such that the column would go off the right edge of the form. For example, if a form is 30 columns wide, and a vertical column begins at position 15 (at the 15th column in from the left edge), the vertical column can only be up to 16 columns wide.
- Center column 1
Center column 2
Center column 3
Center column 4 - Specify whether or not each new line of data in a particular vertical column should be centered. If you select "NO", each new line will be left justified.
- Column 1: Fields to print
Column 2: Fields to print
Column 3: Fields to print
Column 4: Fields to print - Specify which fields in the record will print in each vertical column; also, specify the order, position, and format in which the data will print. The maximum number of data elements which can be entered is large (generally 50 or more - the maximum will vary depending on the amount of text which is entered). See Fields to Print on the Binding Slip, below.
- Print binding info field
- Choose "YES" to have Sierra print the BIND INFO field from the checkin record (field group tag 'w') in the lower section of the binding slip. It will be labelled "BINDING INSTRUCTIONS" and will print across the entire width of the form (if needed). To create a line break, enter a dollar sign ($). For example, if the BIND INFO field was:
- "5\Red buckram$gold rub"
- then binding slip format 5 would be used and the following would print in the lower section of the form:
- Red buckram
gold rub
Fields to Print on the Binding Slip
When you select Fields to print (in a particular vertical column), Sierra displays the current list of fields specified to print in that vertical column on the binding slip. The fields are printed in the order in which they appear in the list; when printed, each begins on a new line.
Binding slip: "Month$year" Column 1: Fields to print 1 > Skip a line 2 > Location (branch) name, spelled out 3 > Skip 2 lines 4 > BIND TITLE tag field from checkin record (if present), else title from bib record 5 > Skip to line 14 (if not already past this line) 6 > MID SPINE tag field from checkin record 7 > Skip to line 23 (if not already past this line) 8 > Print the note input when binding slip was requested ___________________________________________________________________________ Key a number or D > DELETE field(s) S > SKIP lines R > RETURN to previous menu I > INSERT a field P > PRINT Choose one (1-8,D,I,S,P,R)
D > DELETE field(s)
If fields have already been specified, you are offered the option to delete one or more of them. To do so, enter at the prompt the line number of a field, a comma-separated list of line numbers, a range of line numbers (e.g., "2-5"), or a combination of the latter two:
Delete which field(s)? ( Press <RETURN> when finished )
Example: 3 or 1,7,3 or 2-5 or 1,4,7-10 Range: 1-9
For each field, before removing it from the list, Sierra asks you to confirm your intention to delete it.
The SKIP option allows you to specify either:
- The number of lines to skip. From 1 to 9 lines can be skipped in this way; to skip more lines use successive skip commands.
- A specific line on the binding slip to skip to (e.g., "skip to line 14"). If Sierra is already past that line, this skip command is ignored and the next specified field is printed on the next line. Note that fields, such as the title, can occupy a different number of lines on each binding slip.
When you select this option, Sierra asks at which line number in the list you wish to insert the skip. It will be inserted at that point; that is, the existing field at that position (if any) is not overwritten, but rather is pushed down to the next line. To insert the skip at the last position in the list, enter the highest number offered (which is one higher than the last currently defined line number, e.g., '9' in the above example).
Insert skip field at what position in the list? (1-9) _
After you have specified the position in the list, Sierra askss you to select the type of skip you wish to insert:
Binding slip: "Month$year" SKIP LINES 1 > Skip lines of text (you may skip up to 9 lines--to skip more lines use successive skip commands 2 > Skip to a specific line (if you are already past this line the command is ignored) ___________________________________________________________________________ Key a number or R > RETURN to previous menu Choose one (1-2,R)
Sierra asks you to specify the number of lines to skip (choose the Esc button to exit without entering a number). If the number of lines skipped would go off the bottom of the binding slip, Sierra stops writing to that binding slip and goes on to the next one.
Skip how many lines? (1-9) _
Sierra asks you to specify the position on the binding slip to skip to. The system takes into account the length you have specified for the binding slip when it determines the upper value for the range of valid line numbers you can enter (you cannot instruct it to skip off of the bottom of the form). However, it does not attempt to determine whether or not any particular line would already have been passed (choose the Esc button to exit without entering a number).
Skip to which line of binding slip? (1-24) __
R > RETURN to previous menu -- Select this option to return to the previous menu without entering lines to skip.
Select this option to print the list of fields to print on the binding slip.
R > RETURN to previous menu
When you are done inserting and deleting fields, select RETURN to previous menu to return to the binding slip parameters menu.
This option allows you to specify the fields to print on the binding slip and the order in which they should print. The order in which fields print is determined by the position of the field in the list of fields to print. The option to INSERT a field will continued to be offered until the maximum number of fields has been reached (the maximum number of fields is large, generally 50 or more - the maximum will vary depending on the amount of free text which has been entered). When you select INSERT a field , the system asks you to specify the line number at which the field should be inserted (the existing field will be pushed down to the next position, it will not be overwritten):
Insert field at which position in list? (1-9) _
To insert a field at the end of the list, select the highest number offered (e.g., '9' in the above example). When you enter the line number, Sierra provides a list from which you can select the field to print:
Binding slip: "Month$year" SELECT A FIELD TO PRINT 01 > Location (branch) name, spelled out 02 > Call Number (choice of formats) 03 > Cover Date (choice of formats) 04 > Library Name (as displayed at bottom of terminal) 05 > Note input when binding slip was requested 06 > Checkin Record number 07 > Volume Number (choice of formats) 08 > Variable length field from Checkin or Bibliographic record 09 > Copy Number (will print "Copy 1; Copy 2" when Checkin copy number field is greater than one) 10 > Free Text (up to 78 characters) ___________________________________________________________________________ Key a number or P > PRINT R > RETURN to previous menu Choose one (1-10,P,R)
Enter a number to select a field to print on the slip. Choose RETURN to previous menu (or the Esc button) if you decide not to select a field.
Location (branch) name, spelled out- Print the complete location name (spelled out) as specified in the BRANCH (location) codes file, e.g., "West Reference".
Call Number (choice of formats) - Print the call number from the checkin record (if not found, then print the call number from the bibliographic record, if any). When you select this option, the system asks you to specify a format for call numbers:
1 > Format for call numbers
2 > Print the period preceding the Cutter number
The call number formatting options are the same for binding slips as for labels. See the discussion of Formats for call numbers.
Cover Date (choice of formats) - Print the cover date from the issue box on the checkin card. When you specify this field you are offered the following choice of formats:
1 > Print years only, e.g., "1994"
2 > Print months and years (on the same line), e.g., "Jan-Mar 1994"
3 > Print months with years on the next line, e.g., "Jan-Mar 1994"
Library Name (as displayed at bottom of terminal) - The library name, e.g., "State Library".
Note input when binding slip was requested - At the time the binding slip is requested, the system asks if the operator wants to enter a note. This note can be printed on the binding slip.
Checkin Record number - If there is more than one checkin record attached to a single bibliographic record, printing this information on the binding slip can help the library locate the exact record.
Volume Number (choice of formats) - Print the volume number from the issue box on the checkin card. When you select this option, you will be offered the following choice of formats:
1 > Print volume number with no literal in front - Print the volume number as it appears on the checkin card without "V." or "No." preceding it, e.g., "12".
2 > Print volume number preceded with "V.", e.g., "V.12"
3 > Print volume number preceded with "No.", e.g., "No.12"
Variable length field from Checkin or Bibliographic record
Binding slip: "Month$year" The following tags from the Checkin and Bibliographic records are allowed: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z Enter a tag: _
Enter a single-character field group tag (e.g., 't' for title) from either the checkin record or the bibliographic record. Sierra displays a list of all valid tags for both record types from which to choose.
After you have entered the tag, if it is not a valid tag for the checkin record, the following message will display:
Tag 'a' is not a valid Checkin record tag;
the tag field from the Bibliographic record only will be used
Press <SPACE> to continue
If the tag is valid for both the checkin record and the bibliographic record, the following options will be offered:
1 > Look for tag field in Bib record only
2 > Look for tag field in Checkin record; if not found, look for tag field in Bib record
3 > Look for tag field in Bibliographic record; if not found, look for tag field in Checkin record
4 > Look for tag field in Checkin record; if not found, print TITLE field from Bib record
Copy Number (will print "Copy 1; Copy 2" when Checkin copy number field is greater than one) - The data is taken from the copy number field in the checkin record; the copy number does not print if there is only one copy.
Free Text (up to 78 characters) - Specify text which you want to print on the binding slip exactly as you have entered it. The maximum you can enter in a single free text field is 78 characters. You might not be allowed to enter as many as 78 characters if Sierra is running out of room for storing fields to print on the binding slip.
Serials Checkin Labels
For serials checkin labels, you can:
Define the size of the left-hand (spine) and right-hand (pocket or routing) labels
Specify the contents of three sets of spine labels
Specify the contents of three sets of pocket labels
Specify the format for call numbers on spine labels
Specify whether Sierra should always print to a local printer or if it should offer a list of printers from which to choose
View the valid codes for the LABEL TYPE field of the checkin record. These codes determine which combination of spine and pocket label Sierra uses when printing labels.
A typical serials checkin label might look like this:
Spine Label | Pocket Label |
Z671 | Library Journal L6963 | June 1994 MAIN | Received: 06-28-94 v.75 | no.3 |
The serials checkin label options are similar to the monographic labels options (please read that section before continuing). This section will focus on the differences between the serials and monographic label options and assumes a knowledge of monographic label options.
Sierra variable-length field group tags from the bibliographic or checkin record -- For serials labels, variable-length fields are printed from either the bibliographic record or the checkin record (not the item record).
Serials Checkin Spine and Pocket Labels
The library can specify the fields to print on three spine labels and three pocket labels; this means that there are nine combinations of serials checkin spine and pocket labels possible. Sierra associates each of these nine combinations with a letter ('a' through 'i'). These letters are entered into the LABEL TYPE field of a checkin record to specify which combination of spine and pocket label the system should print for that record. In addition, the letter 'n' can be entered in the LABEL TYPE field to indicate that no spine or pocket label is to be printed for that particular checkin record.
Valid Values For LABEL TYPE Field |
Code |
Spine Label to Print |
Pocket Label to Print |
a |
1 |
1 |
b |
2 |
1 |
c |
3 |
1 |
d |
1 |
2 |
e |
2 |
2 |
f |
3 |
2 |
g |
1 |
3 |
h |
2 |
3 |
i |
3 |
3 |
n |
(none) |
(none) |
The option, M > Show MEANING of serials LABEL TYPE codes, displays a list of the LABEL TYPE codes indicating which spine and pocket label will print for each of them. Enter a number to see the current spine and pocket label settings for the selected LABEL TYPE code.
Serials Routing Labels
For each journal which has a routing list, Sierra prints a routing label in addition to a pocket label (a second right-hand label). To print a routing label but no pocket label, select the option in one or more of the Pocket Label definitions (See Checkin Pocket Label).
If a checkin record is assigned a LABEL TYPE which calls for the printing of routing labels instead of pocket labels, and if that record happens not to have an attached routing list, the system prints the title of the journal on the right hand label. Also, when checking in serials, if a checkin record has a value of 'n' in the LABEL TYPE field, and there is an attached routing list, Sierra asks whether to print a routing label.