Sierra Administration Application

The Sierra Administration Application is used to configure a variety of Sierra applications. The configuration resources that appear in the Sierra Administration Application depend on the Sierra products on your server. When you log in, you can access some or all of the following options:

Managing User Accounts
Creates and manages User Logins, Access to Applications, Permissions, and User Groups.
Back End Management
Provides options to administer Advanced Word Search, server backup and shutdown, viewing system files, and SAML Authentication.
Managing Encore
Provides options to administer the Encore search features. Please see the Encore Library Staff Guide for documentation of Encore management.
Managing Other Web Applications
Provides options to administer the Sierra Scheduler and other Web Applications.

Creating User Accounts for the Sierra Administration Application

The Sierra Administration Application requires that your system administrator set up one or more logins to which the Administration Application is assigned.

Logging In to the Sierra Administration Application

To log in to the Sierra Administration Application, your login must be assigned the Admin App application. See Administering Applications for more information. Some functionality within the Administration Application requires a separate permission. For example, you must have permission 187 (Login Manager) to access the Authorizations and Authentication function.

You log in to the Sierra Administration Application using a Web browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer. By default, the URL is:

https://[your Sierra server]/sierra/admin/

Enter the username and password assigned to your login.

SAML-Based Authentication for Staff

If your library has enabled SAML-based authentication for staff, the Sierra Administration Application offers the option to use native authentication or SAML-based authentication. Select an option, and then enter your username and password.

Logging Out of the Sierra Administration Application

Select more | Sign Out in the upper right corner of the screen to log out of the Sierra Administration Application.

Navigating in the Sierra Administration Application

Each subsystem in the Sierra Administration Application offers its options in a panel at the left side of the browser window and the subsystem application data in the main part of the window. As you select subfunctions, the system opens additional tabs within the main window area.