Administering Advanced Word Searching

To access Advanced Word Search Administration you must be assigned permission 1009 (View AwsConfig). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

AWS Admin enables you to view (read only) the indexing rules for the Advanced Word Search index used for retrieving records.

When you choose AWS from the Admin App's Home page, the AWS Admin page appears. For example:


SuperSlices are the index slices that make up the keyword index on your system. The slices you see depend on your system's configuration.

From the Superslices tab, choose the index slice you want to view.

For each slice, the system displays the name of the slice and the record type(s). A single slice tab may refer to multiple record types. The system displays the rules for each record type in a table with the following columns:

field group tag | MARC tag | code | subfields

For example:

Use this key to interpret the MARC tag column:

Key for MARC Tag Column

. (period)

Any indicator, including 'blank'; when used as part of a MARC tag, indicates any value from 0-9 in that position.


Index only the specified MARC tag with an indicator of 1 or 2 in this position.

Use this key to interpret the code column:

Key for Code Column


Keep only the subfield(s) listed.


Index every occurrence of the subfield(s) listed.


Remove only the subfield(s) listed.


Index the linking subfield 1 in UNIMARC or Chinese MARC 4xx field.

For example, in the slice screenshot above, the system indexes all subfields except '6w234' in the keyword index (subject slice) for variable-length fields stored with a field tag 'd' and MARC tag 600, any first indicator, and a second indicator of '0'.