Maintaining the Locations Served Table

To access the Locations Served option in Admin Corner, you must be assigned permission 31 (Circulation Parameters). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can maintain the lists in the Locations Served table with these menu options:

Menu option Purpose
A > ADD an entry Adds a Locations Served list to the Locations Served table.
D > DELETE an entry Marks a Locations Served list for deletion. See the option for undeleting for more information.

U > UNDELETE an entry

Entries can be undeleted under some circumstances by using the U > UNDELETE an entry menu option. The DELETE an entry menu option only marks a list for deletion. If you mark a list for deletion and change your mind before you quit the program, choose the list name and the UNDELETE an entry menu option. This option removes the delete menu option's mark for deletion from a Locations Served list. A list is not deleted from the Locations Served table until you choose to quit and make your changes permanent.
N > ReNAME this entry Assigns a new name to a Locations Served list (e.g., changes "North" to "North Campus").

Adding a New Locations Served List to the Table

To add a Locations Served list to the Locations Served table, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the S > Locations SERVED option in Admin Corner. The Locations Served table displays:

    LOCATIONS SERVED                           
       1 > Main
       2 > North Campus
       3 > South Campus
     Key a number to modify or
     R > RETURN without saving changes    A > ADD an entry
     Q > QUIT and save changes            + > ADDITIONAL options
     Choose one (1-3,R,Q,A,D,U,+)
  2. Choose A > Add an entry.

    You are prompted for a list name (up to 34 characters). The name you enter for the list can be associated with terminals and logins (i.e. statistics groups), and is displayed at various points in the system. For example, the list's name displays in the Print Notices feature:

    1 > Print all overdue notices
    2 > Print notices only for a certain location
    3 > Print notices for West Center
    Q > QUIT
  3. Enter a name for your new Locations Served list.

    You are prompted for a list type:

    Enter name of list : West Center                                         
    Will list be
    1 > List of locations included in this list
    2 > List of locations NOT included in this list
    Choose one (1,2) 1

    These are the types of Locations Served lists in the Locations Served table:

    Menu Option for List TypePurpose
    List of locations included in this listThis menu option creates a "valid" Locations Served list.
    List of locations NOT included in this listThis menu option creates an "invalid" Locations Served list.

    Put "Invalid" or "Locations Not Served" Lists at the End of the Table

    The names of invalid lists (also called "Locations Not Served" lists) must be placed at the bottom of the Locations Served table. The system must read the Locations Served lists before it reads the Locations Not Served lists.

    If you need to have invalid lists moved to the bottom of the table, contact Innovative.
  4. Choose a type for your new Locations Served list.

    The system displays a menu of options that allow you to add location codes to the list:

    West Center -- Locations served                    
      R > RETURN without saving changes     N > ReNAME this entry
      Q > QUIT and save changes
      A > ADD an entry
      Choose one (R,Q,A,N)
  5. Choose ADD an entry from this menu to add a location to the list.

    Repeat this step as many times as necessary to add all desired locations.

    Each time you choose ADD an entry, the system prompts for a five-character location code to add to the list:

    Enter location name : _____
  6. Enter the location code. If you enter an invalid location code, the system displays location codes alphabetically near your entry.

    Lists Must Contain Location Codes

    If you add a list to the Locations Served table, the list must have at least one location code. Empty lists can cause the system to behave unpredictably.

    If you add an empty "Locations NOT Served" (i.e., "invalid") list with the intent of representing all locations on the system, the system can return unexpected results. To represent all locations, do one of the following:

    • Add a list that includes all locations.
    • Create a "Locations NOT Served" list that contains only the location 'zzzzz' (this location is allowed by the system but does not represent a branch).
  7. Quit and save your changes.

Deleting a Locations Served List from the Table

To delete a Locations Served list, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the S > Locations SERVED option in Admin Corner. The Locations Served table displays:

    LOCATIONS SERVED                           
    1 > Main
    2 > North Campus
    3 > South Campus
    Key a number to modify or
    R > RETURN without saving changes    A > ADD an entry
    Q > QUIT and save changes            + > ADDITIONAL options
    Choose one (1-3,R,Q,A,D,U,+)
  2. Choose + > Additional Options.
  3. Enter the number that corresponds to the list's name. The list displays:

    North Campus -- Locations served                     
       1 > art
       2 > arch
       3 > gsm
       4 > url
     Key number to modify or
     R > RETURN without saving changes    A > ADD an entry
     Q > QUIT and save changes            + > ADDITIONAL options
     Choose one (1-4,R,Q,A,D,U,M,N,+)
  4. Choose D > Delete an entry.
    Entries can be undeleted under some circumstances by using the U > UNDELETE an entry menu option.
  5. Quit and save your changes.
Do Not Leave Empty Lists

Always use the D > Delete an entry menu option to remove a Locations Served list. It is possible to delete all the location codes in a list without deleting the list name. Do not remove all location codes and leave the list name; to delete a list, delete the list name (also known as the "table entry").

Empty Locations Served lists can cause the system to behave unpredictably.

Cannot Delete Entries in Use

If a terminal or login (i.e. statistics group) is associated with a list, the system displays the message Cannot delete this entry, it is currently used and does not mark the entry for deletion. Check logins, initials, and terminals to find and remove the association.

In addition, if your library uses Sending Items Home or Patron Partitioning, contact Innovative to remove the deleted entry from the relevant feature.

Renaming a Locations Served List

To change the name of a Locations Served list in the Locations Served table, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the S > Locations SERVED option in Admin Corner. The Locations Served table displays:

    LOCATIONS SERVED                           
    1 > Main
    2 > North Campus
    3 > South Campus
    Key a number to modify or
    R > RETURN without saving changes     A > ADD an entry
    Q > QUIT and save changes             + > ADDITIONAL options
    Choose one (1-3,R,Q,A,D,U,+)
  2. Choose + > Additional Options.
  3. Enter the number that corresponds to the list's name. The list displays:

    North Campus -- Locations served                     
       1 > art
       2 > arch
       3 > gsm
       4 > url
     Key number to modify or
     R > RETURN without saving changes    A > ADD an entry
     Q > QUIT and save changes            + > ADDITIONAL options
     Choose one (1-4,R,Q,A,D,U,M,N,+)
  4. Choose + > Additional Options.
  5. Choose N > ReName an entry.

    You are prompted for a new name for the list.
  6. Enter a new list name.
  7. Quit and save your changes.

See also:

Locations Served

Maintaining the Locations Served Lists