Working with Blocks (Stops)

Blocks on patron or item records may interrupt check-out or renewal. When a patron or item is blocked, a block notification message appears. Authorized library staff can override the block and continue with the transaction. System-generated blocks are applied and removed automatically by Polaris. Staff-generated blocks are applied by a staff member and must be manually removed by a staff member. Staff-generated blocks may be library-assigned or free-text blocks. You can also place a blocking note in a patron record.

Blocks may be associated with a patron record or an item record. Patron blocks indicate that a patron may not check out at all or that special conditions, such as a held item, require attention. For example, a block may indicate that a patron's address needs to be checked, the patron's registration has expired, the patron’s account is delinquent according to library policies, the patron requires special services, or that checking out an item would exceed a library-defined limit on certain materials, groups of materials, or reserve items.

Polaris automatically blocks patron records for held items, overdue and long overdue items, money owed over a library-specified amount, accounts in collection, and an excessive number of items claimed. If your library allows self-registration and account updates from the PAC, Polaris blocks patrons with a Verify Patron block, which flags the record for staff review. This block is also placed on patron records created offline. Your library may also place Verify Patron blocks on express registrations created at check-out.

See also:

Item blocks, like patron blocks, may indicate that an item should not be checked out at all, or that it requires special handling. These include blocks for non-circulating items and items that are being held for another patron, belong to another library, or have a status other than In, such as On Order, In-transit, Missing, Lost, or Withdrawn. Polaris also blocks items that have notes, are chargeable, or items that were created on-the-fly.

See also: