Manage Patron Blocks at Circulation

When you check out or renew items for a patron, the Patron Blocks dialog box appears if there are one or more blocks on the patron record or on associated patron records with a blocking relationship. You must take action before you check out the next patron.

To manage patron blocks at circulation:

  1. Do one of the following actions:
    • To override the blocks and continue the transaction, click Yes (or press Y) on the Patron Blocks dialog box. You must have the appropriate permissions to override blocks. See Setting Circulation Permissions.

If the patron account has been sent to a collection agency and you do not have permission to override the block, the block is marked by a yellow alert icon AlertIcon.gif. To override this block, you must have the specific permission Override collection agency block: Allow. (In this case, the icon is not displayed.)

If the only block is for a held item, you can override the block without special permission.

  • To stop the transaction, click No (or press N) on the Patron Blocks dialog box.
  • Select a block to manage on the Patron Blocks dialog box and go to step 2. You can use the up and down arrow keys to select a block.

You can click Patron Status or Patron Registration on the Patron Blocks dialog box to open these workforms, regardless of which block is selected.

  1. With the block selected, press Enter.

The appropriate workform opens. For example, if the block is Patron owes money, the Patron Status workform - Account view opens. For Verify Patron blocks, the Patron Registration workform opens. For associated patron blocks, the Patron Status workform for the associated patron opens.

  1. Resolve the block as necessary (or exit the workform and click No on the Patron Blocks dialog box to stop the transaction):