Doing Normal Item Check-Ins

When a patron returns an item to the front desk, you typically check in the item in normal mode, using the Check In workform - Normal view. As you are checking in items, you can do the following if you have the required permissions:

In certain situations, such as when an item does not have a barcode label, you do not have the item in front of you, or the item record was created with a status other than In, you can check it in from the Item Record workform. If you are working with a patron record, you can also check in an item from the Patron Status workform - Items Out view. Whether you check in an item in normal mode, from the item record, or from the Patron Status workform, alerts may appear during processing. For example, an item may have a block on it, or an item may be overdue. When alerts appear, you must decide how the item should be processed.

If you want to do a quick check-in of many items, such as a load of materials from the book drop, do a bulk check-in. This process eliminates most alerts. See Doing Bulk Item Check-Ins. If you are working with Polaris offline, you can only do a bulk check-in.

Shelving Status

If there are no special circumstances, the item’s circulation status changes immediately to In when you check it in, although it may not be returned to the shelf for several hours. This can be confusing for a patron who finds the item in PAC, notes that it is In, but cannot find it because it is still on the book truck. Your library can set a period during which the checked-in item’s In status is displayed as Shelving, or another description. For that period, the shelving status description is displayed for the item in the PAC, Find Tool search results, the PAC preview in the bibliographic record, and the list of linked items available from the bibliographic record or any linked item record. See Setting Shelving Status. You can limit Find Tool item searches by shelving status.

Free Days at Check-In

When an overdue item is checked in, free days A value applied at normal and bulk check-in, renewal, and offline that allows you to omit a specified number of days from the overdue fine calculation. are days omitted from the overdue fine calculation so that patrons are not charged for overdues when the library is closed. You can set special free days for normal and bulk check-in. For example, if the library was unexpectedly closed for a day due to a storm, you might permit one or two free days. The default values for normal and bulk free days are set in Polaris Administration. See Calculating Overdue Fines. When you set a different number of free days for check-in, it applies only to your current check-in session. To set free days, you must have the Circulation permission Modify free days: Allow.

Floating Collections and Check-In

Your library system or certain branches within the system may use floating collections, where certain items remain at the branch where they were last checked in. If an item is called to another branch, for example to fill a hold request, the item will stay at that branch when it is returned. The items move among branches as they are used, not according to a rotation schedule. See Setting Up Floating Collections.

Floating collection processing takes place at check-in. The process happens automatically; if the item is not over limits set in Polaris administration, no message is displayed to the staff member when the item floats to its new assigned branch, the check-in branch. The item takes on the circulation parameters of its new assigned branch and remains there until it is checked in at (“floats” to) another branch.

Check-In Dialog Boxes, Messages, and Blocks

The following dialog boxes, messages, and blocks may appear during check-in.

Fine dialog box

The Fine dialog box may appear during check-in if there is a fine on the item. See Resolve a fine at check-in.

In Polaris Administration, the Patron Services parameter Check in: auto-charge fine from item work form and find tool context menu controls whether overdue fines are automatically charged to the patron account when overdue items are checked in from the Item workform, the Find Tool context menu, or the Patron Status workform - Items Out view. If the parameter is set to Yes, the Fine dialog box does not appear.

Item Blocks dialog box

The Item Blocks dialog box appears during check-in if there are blocks on an item. See Manage item blocks at circulation.

Holds Messages

The following messages related to holds may appear during check-in. See Working with Hold Requests:

Resolve Lost/Billed Item Dialog Box

Your library may set this dialog box to appear when an item has been declared lost, but the item is found at circulation. See Resolve a lost-and-unpaid item at circulation and Resolve a lost-and-paid item at circulation.

Circulation Messages

You may see the following messages related to item circulation: