Resolve a Lost-and-Paid Item at Circulation

To resolve an item that has been declared lost, paid for, and found at circulation:

If an item has been declared lost and billed, follow this procedure to refund or credit the patron account.

Your library may set automatic processing options to resolve lost items that are recovered at circulation. See the Public Access Administration PDF Guide: Setting Public Access Profiles and Parameters. If these are in effect, the Resolve lost item dialog box does not appear.

  1. Select one of the following options in the Replacement Actions box:
    • Credit - Select this to credit the patron’s account. The credit can be applied to current or future charges. Use this option if the patron is not present when the item is found, and then notify the patron.
  2. Note:
    Credit and Refund are not available options if the payment was made by credit card. However, depending on your library’s e-commerce provider, you may be able to issue a refund to the patron’s credit card account. See Managing Credit Card Orders.

    • Refund - Select this to refund the patron’s money.
    • Leave as is - Select this to do nothing with the patron’s account. The circulation process (check-in, check-out, or renewal) is completed.

    For billed items, the options are Credit and Refund.

  3. Select one of the following options in the Processing Actions box:
    • Credit - Select this to credit the patron’s account. The credit can be applied to current or future charges. Use this option if the patron is not present when the item is found, and then notify the patron.
    • Refund - Select this to refund the patron’s money.
  4. Note:
    Credit and Refund are not available options if the payment was made by credit card. However, depending on your library’s e-commerce provider, you may be able to issue a refund to the patron’s credit card account. See Managing Credit Card Orders.

    • Leave as is - Select this to do nothing with the patron’s account. The circulation process (check-in, check-out, or renewal) is completed.

    For billed items, the options are Credit and Refund.

  5. If there is an overdue charge, select a payment action in the Overdue Actions box:
    • Pay - Select this to pay or partially pay the overdue amount. You must select a payment method in the Payment Method box. If your library accepts credit card payments, and the patron wants to pay with a credit card, select Credit card in the method box.
  6. Important:
    If your library uses Active Payment Manager (Class Point of Sale) to manage payments, you cannot pay a fine from the Resolve Lost Item dialog box. Select Waive or Leave as is instead. If you choose to leave the charge on the patron’s account, you can pay it from the Patron Status workform - Account view using Class Point of Sale.

    • Waive - Select this to waive or partially waive the overdue amount.
    • Leave as is - Select this to do nothing with the patron’s account. The circulation process (check in, check out, or renewal) is completed.
  7. Click OK on the dialog box.
  8. Note:
    If you click Cancel, the circulation process stops and the Resolve lost/billed item dialog box closes. The next time you attempt to check in, check out, or renew the item, the Resolve lost item dialog box appears.

    • The item circulation status changes from Lost to In.
    • On the Patron Status workform, paid, waived, and credited amounts appear in the Transaction Summary dialog box (Account view).