Add a Patron Block

You can manually add library-defined blocks to a patron record. Authorized staff can also create free-text blocks.

To add a block to a patron’s record:

You can also add a blocking note to a patron record. Blocking notes block the patron at normal check-out and renewal. See Create or edit a patron status note.

  1. Display the patron’s record in the Patron Status workform - General view. See Find patron services and related records. The General view includes a list of current blocks. The blocks may be staff-generated or system-generated, such as those for overdues.
  2. Click Add to display the Patron Block dialog box.
  3. Add a library-assigned or free-text block:
    • To add a library-assigned block, such as Address Correction Required or See Supervisor, click Library assigned and select a block in the Library assigned box.

      The available blocks and the order in which they are listed are defined for the library in Polaris Administration. See Defining Patron Block Descriptions.

    • To add a free-text block, click Free text and type a block description in the Free text box (255 characters maximum).
  4. Click OK on the dialog box. The General view appears, and the new block appears in the Block Description list.

    The Block Description list shows only one line of a free-text block. If the block text is too long to display on one line, you can place the cursor over the line. The entire block text is displayed in a tooltip.