Compact Browse Display

If the Compact Browse option is enabled on your Sierra Desktop Application, either through your Display tab or the Admin App, Sierra returns search results in a condensed format:


Sierra does not display the Phrase facet in the compact browse display. Otherwise, facets behave identically to the browse display.


The Results pane displays search results. Result entries display in three columns: #, Description, and # of Entries.

When you print the search results from a compact browse list, Sierra prints only the groups you have expanded.

# (number)

The entry number for the group or group entry.


The Description column contains the search result groups related to the specific phrase used as the search term. Click the + sign preceding each group entry or double-click anywhere within the entry to expand the group and view the associated record entries.

Record Entries

Record entries are preceded by a character. The system displays brief record data depending on record type, as follows:

Record Type Field Source
Bibliographic Title Sorting title
  Location Up to five Locations descriptions. If there are no assigned Locations variable-length fields, the system displays the value from the Location fixed-length field from the bibliographic record.

Note that if the Locations Served associated with your user login matches one (or more) of the bibliographic record’s Locations, those locations appear first in this display. Other locations are then listed in the order in which they appear in the Locations variable-length field in the bibliographic record.

  Author The first a-tagged variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
Checkin (only in keyword search results) Title Sorting title
  Location Up to five Location descriptions.
  Author The first a-tagged variable-length field in the associated bibliographic record.
Contact Organization Name The first t-tagged variable-length field in the contact record.
  Contact Code The first c-tagged variable-length field in the contact record.
  Contact person/Contact role The first r-tagged variable-length field in the contact record.
Course Course Name/Course Number The first r-tagged variable-length field in the course record.
  Professor The first p-tagged variable-length field in the course record.
Item Title Sorting title
  Call Number The first c-tagged field in the item record. If there is no c-tagged field in the item record, the system displays the Call Number from the associated bibliographic record.
  Author The first a-tagged bibliographic variable-length field associated with the item record.
Invoice Vendor Code The value of the vendor_code column in the invoice_record_vendor_summary row for invoice records. For more information on tables stored in your SQL database, see SierraDNA.
  Voucher Number The value of the voucher_num column in the invoice_record_vendor_summary row for invoice records. For more information on tables stored in your SQL database, see SierraDNA.
  Invoice Number The value of the invoice_number_text column in the invoice_record row for invoice records. For more information on tables stored in your SQL database, see SierraDNA.
Patron Name The first n-tagged variable-length field in the patron record.
  Barcode The first b-tagged variable-length field in the patron record.
  Address The first a-tagged variable-length field in the patron record
Program Program Name The first n-tagged variable-length field in the program record.
  Program Code The first c-tagged variable-length field in the program record.
Resource Resource Name The first t-tagged variable-length field in the resource record.
  Resource Type The first v-tagged variable-length field in the resource record.
  Resource ID The first p-tagged variable-length field in the resource record.
Vendor Vendor Code The first c-tagged variable-length field in the vendor record.
  Vendor Name The first t-tagged variable-length field in the vendor record.
  Address The first a-tagged variable-length field in the vendor record.

# of Entries

The number of record entries in a group.

Brief Record Display

When you highlight a brief record entry in the compact browse, Sierra loads a brief record display, based on the record type. See Record Displays for more information on the types of record displays.

See Also
Graphical Browse Display