Creating New Bibliographic Records in Web Works Quick Edit

To create bibliographic records in Quick Edit, you must be assigned the Web Works Quick Edit application and the following permissions:

  • 102 (Create bibliographic records)
  • 122 (Create item records)
  • 142 (Create holdings/checkin records)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

New Bibliographic Records and Attached Records

When you create a new bibliographic record using Quick Edit, you must attach a new item or holdings (checkin) record or the system discards the new bibliographic record.

To Create A New Bibliographic Record

  1. Log on to Web Works Quick Edit.
  2. To ensure that the bibliographic record you want to create is not in the database, search the catalog by keyword, title, author, subject, or other available index. Alternatively, perform an advanced search. (See Overview of Searching the WebPAC for more information on searching the WebPAC.) If more than one record matches your search, the Index Browse or Record Browse page appears. If only one record matches your search, the Record Display page appears. Each of these pages offers a New Bib link at the head of its results list.
  3. Click the New Bib link to create a new bibliographic record.
  4. If your system is configured for multiple bib record templates, select a template from the drop-down list, and then choose Submit. The New Record page appears.
  5. Enter the bibliographic record information as appropriate, with the following considerations:
    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) require an entry.
    • Drop-down menus supply values from system tables for fixed-length codes such as branches.
    • Add buttons enable you to add multiple fields.
    • Add Subfield buttons enable you to add multiple subfields to the corresponding field.
  6. Click Save to save your edits and continue to the New Bibliographic Record page, or click Cancel to discard the new record.
  7. Enter the new item or holdings record contents as appropriate.
  8. Click Save to save your edits and proceed to the Bibliographic Summary. Click Cancel to discard your edits and return to the Record Information page.

You must complete and save a new item or holdings record to retain your new bibliographic record. If you cancel out of the new record form, the system discards your new bibliographic record information. You must click New Bib on the Record Information page to begin the process again.

Specifying New Record Form Contents

The Web Works Quick Edit configuration file controls what type of records you can edit and which fields appear on the New Record forms. Contact Innovative to configure this file.

See also:
Web Works Quick Edit
Viewing Records in Quick Edit
Editing Records in Quick Edit
Attaching New Records in Quick Edit
Exporting Records Through Web Works Quick Edit