Attaching Records to Bibliographic Records with Web Works Quick Edit

To create item and holdings records in Quick Edit, you must be assigned the Web Works Quick Edit application and the following permissions:

  • 122 (Create item records)
  • 142 (Create holdings/checkin records)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can have Innovative configure your system to link items created with Web Works Quick Edit to holdings (checkin) records in one of the three following ways:

Contact Innovative to set this configuration for your system.

To Create New Item or Holdings Records

To create an item or holdings (checkin) record in Quick Edit, you first must retrieve the relevant bibliographic record in the WebPAC, while logged in as staff. For general information on navigating the WebPAC, see Viewing WebPAC Search Results.

  1. Log on to Web Works Quick Edit.
  2. Retrieve a bibliographic record by searching the catalog by keyword, title, author, subject, or other available index. Alternatively, perform an advanced search. (See Overview of Searching the WebPAC for more information on searching the WebPAC.) If more than one record matches your search, the Index Browse page appears. The Index Browse page lists the matching headings from the headings index. The page layout varies depending on the index you chose to search and your library's Web Options specifications.
  3. The WebPAC presents a maximum of 12 results per page. A pagination tool appears above the search results to assist with navigation between pages of results. Click the Next and Previous links to navigate between adjacent results pages, or click the page number to jump to a specific results page.

  4. Click an entry from the Index Browse list. If more than one record matches your search, the Record Browse page appears. The Record Browse page lists records that match your search criteria.
  5. Click an entry from the Record Browse list. The Record Display page appears. The Record Display page presents bibliographic information. Your system's configuration determines both the bibliographic information and additional information from attached records that appears. The Record Display page appears when:
    • Your search results in a single matching record.
    • You select a heading with a single entry from the Index Browse list.
    • You select a record from the Record Browse list.
  6. Click the Bib Summary link to view the associated bibliographic record. The brief Bibliographic Summary appears, followed by a list of attached records. Click Full if you want to view the complete bibliographic record.

To delete one or more attached records, select the check box found to the left of the attached record entry, and then click Delete Checked Records.

Record Types

Innovative can configure Web Works Quick Edit to display item and holdings (checkin) records. The list of attached records includes only one type of record at a time. If your library's configuration enables access to multiple attached record types, links appear above the list of attached records. Click a record type link to view a list of all attached records of the corresponding type. In the image above, the system allows editing of item or holdings records.

  1. Choose the New Record button found at the head of the list of attached records.
  2. If your system is configured for multiple templates, a drop-down list of relevant templates appears. Select a record template from the list, and then choose Submit. The New <record type> Record page appears.
  3. Enter the new record data as appropriate, with the following considerations:
    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) require an entry.
    • Drop-down menus supply values from system tables for fixed-length codes such as branches.
    • Add buttons enable you to add multiple fields.
    • Add Subfield buttons enable you to add multiple subfields to the corresponding field.
  4. Click Save to save your data or Cancel to discard the new record. After clicking either button, you return to the Bibliographic Summary.
Specifying New Record Form Contents

The Web Works Quick Edit configuration file controls what type of records you can edit and which fields appear on the New Record form. Contact Innovative to configure this file.

See also:
Web Works Quick Edit
Viewing Records in Quick Edit
Editing Records in Quick Edit
Creating New Bibliographic Records in Quick Edit
Exporting Records Through Web Works Quick Edit