Verifying Patrons By Using the Innovative Server and Patron Records

To verify a patron by using the Innovative server and patron records, the patron must provide barcode (or a different indexed patron record field with a unique value).

Your organization can specify a field other than the barcode for the system to search for when verifying patrons. However, it must be an indexed field that contains a unique value for each patron (e.g., university ID).
Innovative can customize your system so that patrons are prompted only for barcode (or other indexed patron record field with a unique value), rather than both name and barcode (or alternate ID).

If your organization uses alternate IDs, the patron can provide the appropriate alternate identifier in place of the barcode.

The system searches for a patron record containing the barcode or alternate ID provided, and, if one is found, the system compares the name in the record to the name provided. The name provided must match a complete word in the name field (either first name or last name). Note that if your system is configured to only require barcode or alternate ID matching, then it does not prompt the patron to provide their name for verification matching. If the system cannot find a matching name, barcode, or alternate identifier, it denies the request.

Your organization can restrict requests to patron records with certain values in one of the following patron record fields:

If your organization requires patron verification, you can also require Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) to prevent misuse of accounts. For more information, see Using PINs in the WebPAC.

Implementing Patron Verification

Your organization can create a customized Patron Verification form for the WebPAC. If an appropriate pverify_[*].html file exists in the /screens directory, the system uses it instead of the default page whenever patron verification is required (except when connecting to servers that are managed by Web Access Management).

See also:
Limit Requests by Patron Type or PCODE
Using PINs in the WebPAC
Using Alternate IDs in the WebPAC
Using My Account