Adding Serials to a Person's Record

To route serials to a person, add serial titles to that individual's routing or patron record.

  1. Choose Routing from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the routing or patron record of the individual for whom you want to route serials.
  3. Choose Add Journal to open a bibliographic record search screen.
  4. Search for the bibliographic record associated with the serial you want to route.

If your library has the optional SISAC barcode searching feature, you can retrieve the bibliographic record by scanning the SISAC number on a single issue of the serial.

If your search retrieves exactly one record with one copy, the serial is automatically added to the list of serials routed to that individual. Otherwise, continue with the following steps.

  1. If your search returns a browse display with more than one hit, select the desired bibliographic record.
  2. If the bibliographic record has more than one attached checkin record, highlight the desired checkin record in the Summary tab and choose Use.
  3. If the checkin record has more than one copy, a list of the copies for that serial appears in the Select Copy of Journal dialog. Select the copy you want to route by clicking on the copy number and then choosing Select. The journal is added to the record.

Note that an individual can only have one copy of a serial routed to him or her. An error message displays if you attempt to route more than one copy from the same checkin record to a single person.

  1. Choose Close to exit the record.
  2. Choose Add Journal to add more journals.
See also:
Priority of Routing Lists