Creating, Modifying, or Removing Categories

In Research Pro, you can:

To add new resources to your Research Pro, see Requesting Additional Resources.

Before working with any of these files, be sure to make a safe copy of the file in case it is necessary to revert back to the pre-existing file.

Creating Categories

To create new categories in your Research Pro, edit your category.xml and mfrpro.xml files.

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/config directory.
  2. Select the category.xml file.
  3. Edit your category.xml to add the <MAP>, <GROUP>, and <LINK> XML values.
  4. Save your changes and quit.
  5. Select the mfrpro.xml file.
  6. Edit the mfrpro.xml file to:
    1. Define the long display name.
    2. Define the display value for the category, as needed.
  7. Save your changes and quit.
  8. If your MFSimpleSearch.html and MFAdvancedSearch.html forms use the <--{mfcategorydisplayname:[target]}--> or <--{mfcategory:[target]}--> tokens, edit the forms to include tokens with the new category values.
  9. Save your changes and quit.
  10. Refresh your Research Pro.

Creating a Default Category

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/config directory.
  2. Select the mfrpro.xml file.
  3. Edit the mfrpro.xml file to create a <CATEGORY_MAP> entry with a <GROUP> called Default.
  4. Search the resource mapping section of the mfrpro.xml file for all resources to add to the default category. For each resource to include in the default category, change the <DEFAULTTARGET> element to true.
  5. Save your changes and quit.
  6. Refresh your Research Pro.

Moving Resources Between Categories

To move existing resources between different categories, you must edit your category.xml file.

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/config directory.
  2. Select the category.xml file.
  3. Edit the Category Grouping section of your category.xml to move the <LINK> XML values to list under the appropriate <GROUP> settings.
  4. Save your changes and quit.
  5. Refresh your Research Pro.
  6. If the changes to your categories affect your passthrough searches, modify the HTML on appropriate pages for your passthrough searches.

Removing Resources

To remove resources from your Research Pro, you must edit your category.xml and mfrpro.xml files.

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/config directory.
  2. Select the category.xml file .
  3. Edit the Category Grouping section of your category.xml to remove the <LINK> XML values.
  4. Save your changes and quit.
  5. Edit your mfrpro.xml file to remove the <RESOURCE_MAP> entry for the resource.

    A <RESOURCE_MAP> entry for an individual resource can range from 29 to 37 lines in the mfrpro.xml file.

  6. Save your changes and quit.
  7. Refresh your Research Pro.
  8. If the removed resources affect your passthrough searches, modify the HTML on appropriate pages for your passthrough searches.

Temporarily Suppressing Broken Resources

If a Research Pro resource generates an error, you can edit your category.xml file to suppress the broken resource until the situation is resolved.

  1. Using the Web Master function, access your live/config directory.
  2. Select the category.xml file.
  3. Edit the Category Grouping section of your category.xml to suppress the <LINK> XML values for the broken resource using standard HTML comments. For example:

    <!--<LINK>[resource code]</LINK>-->
  4. Save your changes and quit.
  5. Refresh your Research Pro.