Cancelling Sections and Programs

To modify section records, you must be assigned permission 764 (Update Section Records). To modify sessions, you must be assigned permission 771 (Modify session). To send an email to the patrons on the registration list and waitlist, you must be assigned permission 773 (Email waitlist and/or registrants). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To cancel a section:

  1. Choose Program Management from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the section record for the section you want to cancel.
  3. In the STATUS fixed-length field, enter 'c' (CANCELLED).
  4. In the REG CLOSE fixed-length field, enter the current date and time.
  5. Insert a Public Note variable-length field and enter the cancellation information you want to publish to the WebPAC. If the program remains published, patrons can view the information in the public note on the WebPAC.
  6. Choose OK to save your modifications to the section record. Choose Close to return to the section record without saving.
  7. From the Sessions tab, select all the associated sessions and choose the Cancel Sessions button to ensure that the ability to register for the cancelled section is disabled. The system automatically removes the selected sessions from the section record.
  8. From the Register tab, select all registered patrons and choose the Email button.
  9. In the Email Program Registrant List dialog, select a subject from the Email Subject drop-down list and modify the associated text if necessary. For more information about the options in the Email Program Registrant List dialog, see the Predefined Broadcast Email Text table.
  10. Choose Send to send this email to the patrons on the registration list. Choose Cancel to return to the Register tab without sending an email.
  11. From the Register tab, select all registered patrons and choose the Cancel button to remove all patrons from the registration list. The system automatically sends a cancellation email to all selected patrons. (Note that this email does not replace the email sent from the Email Program Registrant List dialog, as this default cancellation email does not include a reason for the cancellation.)
  12. From the Waitlist tab, repeat steps 8 through 11 to send a cancellation email to and cancel the waitlist status of waitlisted patrons.

To cancel a program and all its sections, repeat the above steps for all the associated sections of a program.

See also:
Deleting Sections and Programs
Unpublishing Programs