Deleting Sections and Programs

To delete program records, you must be assigned permission 755 (Delete program records). To delete section records, you must be assigned permission 765 (Delete section records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can delete one or more sections of a program, and you can delete entire programs.

Deleting a Section

To delete a section:

  1. Choose Program Management from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the section record you want to delete.
  3. If patrons are registered for the section, cancel the section.
  4. From the program record, select the section you want to delete.
  5. Choose the Delete button. The section record is deleted.

Deleting a Program

To delete a program:

  1. Delete all the sections of the program.
  2. From the program record, choose the Edit button from the toolbar.
  3. From the menu bar, select File | Delete Program Record. The system displays the Delete Record dialog box.
  4. Choose Yes to delete the program record. Choose No to return to the program record without deleting the record.
See also:
Cancelling Sections and Programs
Unpublishing Programs