Deleting Fund Records

To delete a fund record, you must be assigned permission 085 (Update funds). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Deleting fund records requires you to verify that the fund records are not in use by the system. When you delete a fund record, Sierra removes the associated fund code from all order records containing that code. After the fund record deletion, the fund code field in the order record displays as "none".

Before deleting fund records, do the following.

  1. Use the Adjustment tab in Funds function to set the appropriation, expenditure, and encumbrance amounts to $0.00. Set all other numbers in the fund record fields to '0' as well.
  2. Verify that no records in the Encumbrance file or any of the payment sessions use the fund code. If any do, you must post those sessions.
  3. Check the Payment History file for the code. If the Payment History file contains the code, print an activity report and clear the Payment History file.

If your library uses the option that saves all appropriation transactions in the Payment History file, you cannot delete a fund that has an appropriations history. Delete funds with an appropriations history at the end of a fiscal year.

  1. Verify that the fund code is not used in New Record Default templates for order records.
  2. Remove the fund code from all fund groups.
  3. If your system has the optional feature to limit the funds that staff can assign to requested copies of orders under consideration, then make sure that the fund is removed from every login with which it has been associated. See How Preferred Funds and Locations Affect the Selection List Process.

Once you have verified that the fund is not in use in any of the above areas, you can delete it. To delete a fund record:

  1. Choose Funds from the Function list.
  2. Select the fund record you want to delete from the Current Funds folder.
  3. Choose Delete from the toolbar. This deletes the fund from the list of current funds, as well as from any other folder. Sierra prompts you to be sure you want to delete the fund.