Adding and Removing Items in Mobile Collections

To use Mobile Collections, you must be assigned permission 367 (Mobile Collections Management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

After creating a mobile collection, you must specify which items belong to the collection by adding items to the collection. When you transfer the collection, the system moves the items as a group to the new location on their route. If needed, you can also remove items from a mobile collection.

To add or remove items in a mobile collection:

  1. Choose Mobile Collections from the Function list.
  2. Create or edit a mobile collection.
  3. Select the Items tab.
  4. Add or remove items as needed.

Note that you cannot add or remove items from mobile collections that have completed their route (that is, with a STATUS of Route Complete).

Adding Items to Mobile Collections

Use one of the following options to add items to a collection:

Key or scan item barcode
Enables you to retrieve items one at a time to add to the collection.
Use Review File
Enables you to select a review file of items to add to the collection all at once.

The system responds as follows:

The following items already exist in this collection: <item barcode(s)>

Choose OK to return to the Items tab.

If the system is able to add items to the collection successfully, it adds the items to the Items tab. If the collection is mobilized, the system adds an OLD LOC variable-length field and a collection ID note to each item added to the collection. If the collection has not yet been mobilized, the system does not update the items until you transfer the collection.

Removing Items from Mobile Collections

To remove an item from a mobile collection, select the item and choose Remove. If the collection has been mobilized, the system removes the OLD LOC variable-length field and the collection ID note from the item record, but does not update the item's location (that is, the current location on the route retains ownership of the item). If the collection is has not yet been mobilized, the system does not update the item.

See Also:
Mobile Collections Displays