Mobile Collections Displays

If your library has acquired Mobile Collections, you can view information about your library's collections using the Mobile Collections function. Each collection consists of a route and contains a group of items.

Collections Display

Each mobile collection consists of the following data elements:

# Items
Number of items assigned to the mobile collection.
Completion Date
Date by which the mobile collection should complete its route. The system generates this date by analyzing the route assigned to the mobile collection.
Cur Loc
Current location of the collection, as determined by the collection's status and route. If the collection is inactive, the current location is blank. If the collection's status is "Route Complete" and the items were returned to their original location(s) after the final transfer, the location displays as ORIGINAL.
Ending Location
Setting that determines where the system sends the items after the final transfer. Possible values are:
Original Location
Return the collection's items to the location(s) specified in the items' OLD LOC variable-length field.
Select Location
Send the items to a location selected by the user when creating or editing the collection.
System-generated unique number that identifies the group.
Comma-delimited list of locations from the collection's route.
Unique name of up to 30 characters that identifies the mobile collection.
Remove MESSAGE information field from Items
Setting that determines whether the system removes the Collection ID notes during the final transfer.
Start Date
Date on which the mobile collection should be transferred to the first location in its route.
Current status of the collection. Possible values for mobilized collections are:
At least one transfer has occurred, at least one transfer remains, and the next transfer date is after today.
The start date or next transfer date is today.
The start date or next transfer date has passed.
Possible values for demobilized collections are:
No transfer has occurred and the start date is after today.
Route Complete
Final transfer has occurred.
Transfer Date
Date on which the group was most recently transferred. If the group has not been transferred yet, this element is blank.


Each mobile collection is associated with one route. A route consists of one or more stops. Each stop along a route shows the following data elements:

The number of days (0-999) that the collection is or was scheduled to be at the route location.
A location from the Branches table to which the collection was or will be transferred.
System-generated status that shows the collection's current location in relation to the scheduled route location. The system determines the location's status. Possible values are:
The collection is at this location and the next transfer date is after today.
The collection is at this location and should be transferred to the next location today.
The collection has not yet been transferred to this location.
The collection is at this location and should have been transferred to the next location before today.
Route Complete
The final transfer has been made, and the collection is demobilized.
The collection has been transferred from this location.
Transfer Date
System-generated date on which the collection should be or was transferred to the location.


When you view or edit a mobile collection, the system displays information about each item associated with the collection. The following information displays about each item in the collection:

Call #
The CALL # variable-length field in the item record, or if none exists, from the bibliographic record.
The BARCODE variable-length field in the item record.
The AUTHOR variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
The first TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
Mat Type
The item's material type, from the MAT TYPE fixed-length field in the bibliographic record.
Orig Loc
The location to which the item belonged before it was added to the mobile collection, from the OLD LOC variable-length field in the item record.
Current Loc
The location along the route at which the item is currently located, from the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record.
The code associated with the STATUS fixed-length field in the item record. If the item is currently checked out, its status displays as CHECKED OUT.