Checking In a Pickup Anywhere Item from the Patron
The patron can return a Pickup Anywhere item to any Pickup Anywhere Circulation Desk in the INN-Reach System. When you check in an item from a patron, the system:
- Changes the STATUS of the requested item's entry in the Pickup Anywhere database on the INN-Reach Central Server from "CHECKED OUT" to "RETURNED".
- Sends a circulation message to patron site that changes the virtual item record's STATUS from '-' (CHECKED OUT) to '%' (RETURNED).
- Sends a circulation message to the owning site that replaces the INN-Reach message in the item record with an "IN TRANSIT" message.
The procedure you must follow to return the item to its owning location varies according to your site's relationship to the request:
- Item returned to the requested Pickup Anywhere location
- Item returned to the patron's site
- Item returned to the owning site
- Item returned to a Pickup Anywhere location associated with request sites
- Item returned to a Pickup Anywhere location not associated with request sites
Item Returned to Requested Pickup Anywhere Location
If your Pickup Anywhere location checked out the item to the patron:
- Choose Pickup Anywhere – Return Item from the Function list.
- Retrieve the item record, using one of the following methods:
- Select Barcode and scan or enter the item barcode.
- Select Title, enter the title of the item, and choose the Search button.
- Select Site and choose the name of the site that owns the item from the drop-down list.
- If only one item matches your search, the system displays the item in the table and automatically selects it.
- If more than one item matches your search, the system lists the matching items in the table. In this case, the system does not automatically select any of the displayed items. Select the item(s) you are returning.
- Choose the Process button.
- Send the item(s) to their owning site(s).
Item Returned to Patron Site
If your location belongs to the patron site, check in the item as you would any other INN-Reach item from a patron.
Item Returned to Owning Site
If your location belongs to the owning site, check in the item as the owning site.
Item Returned to a Pickup Anywhere Location Associated with Request Sites
If your location belongs to one of the sites involved in the Pickup Anywhere request (that is, the site to which the requested Pickup Anywhere location belongs, the owning site, or the patron site):
- Choose Pickup Anywhere – Return Item from the Function list.
- Retrieve the item record, using one of the following methods:
- Select Barcode and scan or enter the item barcode.
- Select Title, enter the title of the item, and choose the Search button.
- Select Site, and choose the name of the site that owns the item from the drop-down list.
Result Action Finds the item. Checks the item in. Does not find the item. Prompts you to specify the owning site and the item barcode:
Item was not found.
Return item to owning site?
In response:- Choose the owning site from the Site drop-down list.
- Enter the barcode in the Barcode text box, if it is not already present. If you searched for the item by scanning its barcode, the system automatically populates this text box with that barcode value.
- Choose the Submit button. The system sends circulation messages to update the related records at the patron site and owning site, but it does not update the requested item's entry in the Pickup Anywhere database on the INN-Reach Central Server.
- Send the item to its owning site.
Item Returned to a Pickup Anywhere Location Not Associated with Request Sites
If your location does not belong to a site associated with the Pickup Anywhere request (that is, either the site to which the requested Pickup Anywhere location belongs, the owning site, or the patron site), the system cannot access any record of the request and displays the following message:
No item found in database.
Choose OK to clear this message.