Receiving an Item at the Pickup Anywhere Location

To use Pickup Anywhere functions, you must be assigned permission 120 (IR Pickup Anywhere). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can identify a Pickup Anywhere item when you receive it by the Pickup Anywhere paging slip or, optionally, by any special bookband or similar device the owning site might have included.

When a Pickup Anywhere location receives an item from the owning site, staff must check in the item to acknowledge that the item has been received. When you check in a Pickup Anywhere item, the system sends a circulation message that changes the status of the requested item's entry in the Pickup Anywhere database from "SHIPPED" to "RECEIVED," changes the virtual item record's STATUS from 't' (IN TRANSIT) to '#' (RECEIVED), and queues a pickup notice for the item at the patron site.

To receive the item at the Pickup Anywhere location:

  1. Choose Pickup Anywhere – Receive Items from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the item record, using one of the following methods:
    • Select Barcode, and scan or enter the item barcode.
    • Select Title, enter the title of the item, and choose the Search button.
    • Select Site, and choose the name of the site that owns the item from the drop-down list.
    The system continues as follows, depending on the conditions it encounters:

One Item Matches Your Search

If only one item matches your search, the system displays the item in the summary table and automatically selects it. Choose the Process button to acknowledge that your site has received the item.

More Than One Item Matches Your Search

If more than one item matches your search, the system lists the matching items in the summary table. In this case, the system does not automatically select any of the displayed items. Select the item(s) that have arrived, and choose the Process button to acknowledge their arrival.

No Item Matches Your Search

If no request in the Pickup Anywhere database on the INN-Reach Central Server matches your search, the system displays the following message:

No item found in database.

Choose OK to clear this message. Then, contact the owning site to determine whether:

See also:
Circulating Pickup Anywhere Items
Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach