Printing INN-Reach Notices

To enable the "Print INN-Reach Notices at Requesting Patron's Location" feature on your Local Server, your Local Server Coordinator must contact Innovative.

In standard circulation, notices are printed at the owning location or, for specific types, the pickup location. In INN-Reach circulation, because the owning location typically belongs to another Local Server, the system queues these INN-Reach notices at the patron site instead. At the patron site, the notices can be printed by staff at either the pickup location or the patron's home library.

To print notices, follow the steps for creating a circulation notices job.

Sending Circulation Notices via E-mail

If your library has acquired the Sending Circulation Notices via E-mail product, you can send INN-Reach circulation notices to patrons via email.

Enabling Printing of INN-Reach Notices at the Pickup Location

By default, staff at the pickup location for the INN-Reach item can print these notices. To enable staff at the pickup location to print notices for INN-Reach items, Innovative recommends that you do the following:

  1. Create one Locations Served entry for all of the sites in the INN-Reach System that do not belong to your Local Server.
  2. Assign a login to that Locations Served entry.
  3. Use the login to print all INN-Reach notices that the system generates patrons belonging to the patron site.

When you print INN-Reach notices using the login, the system prints all of the INN-Reach notices that are generated for the patrons on your Local Server. Depending on your setup, it might or might not be practical for you to distribute all the notices to the patrons for whom they were generated.

Enabling Printing of INN-Reach Notices at the Patron's Location

If the "Print INN-Reach Notices at Requesting Patron's Location" feature is enabled, staff at the location to which the requesting patron belongs can print the notices. If this feature is enabled, you can use a login assigned to specific location(s) on your Local Server to print the notices for patrons who belong to that location only. There is no need to assign a login to a Locations Served that represents sites that are not on your Local Server.

To enable this feature, ask your Local Server Coordinator to contact Innovative.

See also:
Using Circulation Notices