Removing Invalid Virtual Items Using the Returned Too Long Report

To view the Returned Too Long report, you must be assigned permission 340 (INN-Reach Reports). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can use the Returned Too Long report to delete invalid virtual items from the associated patron's record. A virtual item is considered invalid if its status on the Local Server is '%' (RETURNED) and its status on the INN-Reach Central Server is not '@' (OFF-SITE) or '1' (LOAN REQUESTED). ( If the item status is '@', the owning site has not yet checked in the item. If the item status is '1', the item is currently being requested.) For example, from the Returned Too Long report you can delete a virtual item with a status of '%' (RETURNED) on both the Local and Central Servers.

The item's status at the INN-Reach Central Server displays in the item's Details dialog box.

To delete items whose status on the Local Server is '%' (RETURNED) and whose status on the INN-Reach Central Server is '@' or '1', see Deleting Virtual Items.

You can use the Returned Too Long report to delete one or multiple invalid virtual items.

Removing One Invalid Virtual Item

To delete one invalid virtual item using the Returned Too Long report:

  1. Create the Returned Too Long report.
  2. In the Returned Too Long report table, select the item you want to delete from the patron record.
  3. Choose the Remove button or right-click the item and select Remove Item.
  4. Choose Yes to delete the item, No to return to the report without deleting the virtual item from the patron's record. If you attempt to delete an item with status '@' or '1' at the INN-Reach Central Server, the system displays a Warning dialog box informing you that the item cannot be removed.

Removing Multiple Invalid Virtual Items

To delete multiple invalid virtual items using the Returned Too Long report:

  1. Create the Returned Too Long report.
  2. In the Returned Too Long report table, select the check box to the left of each item you want to delete from the patron record.
  3. Choose the Remove button or, from the menu bar, choose File | Remove.
  4. Choose Yes to delete the item, No to return to the report without deleting the virtual item from the patron's record. If you attempt to delete an item with status '@' or '1' at the INN-Reach Central Server, the system displays a Warning dialog box informing you that the item cannot be removed.
See also:
Deleting Virtual Items