Cancelling New ILL Requests

To cancel a request that is currently in the new requests file:

  1. Choose New Requests from the Function list.
  2. Select the request that you want to cancel. ILL displays the Edit Request window.
  3. Choose the Cancel icon or Options | Cancel. ILL asks whether you want to send a message to the requester.
  4. Continue as appropriate:
    • To cancel and send a message to the requester:
      1. Choose Yes.
      2. Choose Next. ILL prompts you to compose a cancellation message.
      3. Compose the cancellation message. You can either type the message in the entry box or, if your library has set up ILL messages, select a message from the Select ILL message drop-down menu and edit as necessary. If you want to print an extra copy of the message, choose Print before continuing.
      4. Choose Finish. ILL prints the message, moves the request to the cancelled requests file, and displays a confirmation dialog.
    • To cancel without sending a message to the requester:
      1. Choose No.
      2. Choose Next. ILL prompts you to confirm:

        The request will be cancelled. No message will be sent.

      3. Choose Finish. ILL moves the request to the cancelled requests file and displays a confirmation dialog.
  5. Choose OK to return to the Edit Request window.
See also:
Cancelling Pending ILL Requests
Possible Messages (Cancelling ILL Requests)