Exporting an ArticleReach Statistics Report

To view ArticleReach Statistics, you must be assigned permission 703 (ArticleReach Statistics Reports). See Permissions Used By Sierra for more information.

After creating one of the ArticleReach statistics reports — a Borrowing and Lending report or a Journal Title report — you can export the report to a file on a client PC.

To export a statistics report:

  1. Create either the Borrowing and Lending report or Journal Title report that you want to export.
  2. Choose the Export button. The system prompts you to choose the format of the exported data. Your format options are:
    • Open in Excel
    • Save as comma separated values (csv) text
    • Save as tabbed text
  3. Choose an export format.
    1. If you chose Open in Excel, the system creates a temporary version of the file and opens it in Excel for your review. To create a permanent version of the file, save the file in Excel.
    2. If you chose Save as comma separated values (csv) text or Save as tabbed text, the system displays a dialog prompting you to specify a location to save the export file. The dialog also displays a default file name that can be edited.

      In response to the dialog:
      1. Specify a location to save the file.
      2. Edit the default file name, if appropriate.
      3. Choose the Export button in the dialog.

      The system saves the exported file and opens the file for your review. Note that if you edit the file name before exporting, the system does not automatically open the file for your review.

Exporting ArticleReach Request Details

You can also export selected ArticleReach request details from the statistics log on the ArticleReach Central Server to a file on a client PC. See Exporting ArticleReach Request Details for more information.