Deleting Vendor Records

To delete vendor records, you must be assigned permission 415 (Delete Vendor Records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Preparing to Delete Vendor Records

Before you can delete vendor records you must verify that the vendor records are not in use anywhere in the system. Before deleting vendor records:

  1. Find all the order and checkin records that contain the vendor code you want to delete. You can find the records by using Create Lists to create Boolean searches ("vendor=<code>").

If you find order and checkin records that contain the vendor code you want to delete, change the vendor code in those records.

  1. Set all totals in the vendor record to '0' and all amounts to $0.00.
  2. Verify that the vendor code is not used in electronic ordering or electronic invoicing files.
  3. Verify that the vendor code is not used in templates for order or checkin records.
  4. If you use Output Vouchers to print vouchers or create electronic vouchers, verify that there are no outstanding invoices for the vendor in the payment history file. If necessary, clear the payment history file before deleting the vendor.

Deleting Vendor Records

To delete vendor records:

  1. Retrieve the vendor record.
  2. Choose File | Delete Vendor Record. Sierra prompts you to confirm the deletion of the record.
  3. Choose Yes.